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Waitting for the new ep of oct 14 2012, but thank you pretty much for every things, you're generous~!
Thank a lots and super apprecated for every things, but still waitting for the new ep..
It finially came out, we did everybodies~! We're amazing~! Thank you, Thank for sharing, Thank for supported~!
Thank pretty much for contribution and wonderful supported~!
Thank very much for sharing....Thank you
Just checking out  for your extraordinary update, it doesn't upload yeah, but that's alright! Thank you for sharing and supported us in many wayS!  Thank!
Apprecated for every things, pretty 感謝樓主~!
Hi eveybodies, how's every thing? i am just checking out any updated, that's alright! Thanks for any hard works, i am very apprecated at all!
Thank Thank Thank very much to you~!
thanks a lots!
thank a lots pretty much!
Super Super 感謝樓主~!!
Thanks a lots!!
Thank very much for extraordinary sponsor and gorgeously supported us, thankS!