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回復 #348 yang5301 的帖子

hehe....i think he wont bully me gua... :onion05:
wlt muz be go to work liao...disappear le..

回復 #355 bee2007 的帖子

i study at segi college KL ^______^
i m not pretty la
juz an ordinary gal :P

回復 #360 nesta0013 的帖子

i pm le...but din reply me = =''

回復 #361 yang5301 的帖子

u where got 命苦
u oso relax ma

回復 #366 wlt1110 的帖子

ooo...can arr...but i m not always here la when u wan to chat tell me lo :P

回復 #369 bee2007 的帖子

bcoz u still not know me well ma...:onion18:

回復 #371 wlt1110 的帖子

ohh okla
take care ya...:onion05:

回復 #370 felixng2007 的帖子


回復 #382 nesta0013 的帖子

so fast o.......T_T
okla den chat with u next time o..

回復 #384 bee2007 的帖子

haha if i can make it....

回復 #389 bee2007 的帖子

haha...thx for welcome me :P
i oso :onion05: :onion05: :onion05:  lo...
go to eat breakfast :P
:onion05: :onion05: :onion05:
juz back from eating~~ hehe
pan mee lo..my favour.. haha

u r not sleeping???