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回復 #3032 ravedoggie 的帖子

hard to predict wo...not all also like tat ma...:onion03:

回復 #3036 ravedoggie 的帖子

ooo...but sometimes i like to watch football geh...
d year when Brazil get d champion i got watch lo hehe ^O^
原帖由 terenceng 於 2007-10-4 10:22 PM 發表

你不用陪boy boy吗??
he lives johore ma

回復 #3065 lcw1234 的帖子

hehe...quite enjoy...

回復 #3067 lcw1234 的帖子

yameh?? ooo...
i heard my friend said this month will quite cold o...
nola..we stay at theme park hotel ^^
not bad la, but when walk along to room i feel quite ''cold''
coz quite dark ma.. -_-''
do u go to safari b4??

回復 #3070 ravedoggie 的帖子

hehe very syok ar u noe...even cold till freeze but i like it~ ^^

回復 #3073 KennyLooi 的帖子

nice to meet u..hehe ^^
原帖由 ravedoggie 於 2007-10-6 12:13 AM 發表

i knw... but i rather sit in starbucks and then on9~~
after tat go 4 a movie~~
and then shopping
and then eat and eat~~~ and drink~~
and then coffebean~~
and then indoor themepark~~
video games.. a ...
u din play outdoor games meh??
hehe...do u dance at safari?? i dunno 2 dance leh T_T
原帖由 ravedoggie 於 2007-10-6 12:20 AM 發表

yea  i knw~!!! tats fun~~~  u go wif ya friends???
yea...go with 2 gals lo...hehe

回復 #3153 acm9146 的帖子


回復 #3158 terenceng 的帖子

原帖由 ravedoggie 於 2007-10-7 03:27 AM 發表

ah/...  i like outdoor games... but i dare not play~!!! lolz~!
y lea???
some outdoor games i oso dare not to play..
but my friends force me go to play.. 没变 -_-''
btw it's really nice lar...^^ i think u should go to try..
after u play u may know it's actually not tat terrible as u think
quite SYOK lo..if ur mood not good u can scream all out lol
原帖由 ravedoggie 於 2007-10-7 03:29 AM 發表

oh~ 2 gals???  not bf huh~???  i next week i will goto genting again~ wif my friend~!  actually i always  go 2 genting 1.. sometimes go genting yumcha wif my family after dinner.. and sometims go t ...
yalo...with my secondary school friends
i oso hope he can go but cant larrr...T_T
wow..so admire u la..can always go there..i like d weather there hehe:014: