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原帖由 ravedoggie 於 2007-9-30 05:51 PM 發表
冇人架????  个个出晒去啊〉?
原帖由 ravedoggie 於 2007-9-30 06:04 PM 發表

你不是在玩股票吗?哎。。。 LJ 你住那里的???
原帖由 ravedoggie 於 2007-9-30 06:03 PM 發表

LJ。。。 我中意史上最强第子兼一,还有黑炮使魔姬。。。 还有很多很多~~~  都喜欢。。。后悔把漫画店卖掉了。。。哎。。。。
原帖由 ravedoggie 於 2007-9-30 06:10 PM 發表
oic...  LJ  going 2 eat sushi now~~~ lolz~ so chat later~~  o ya~ i did support u and vote u for VIP application jus now~~  lolz~ gambadei~:014:
thanks man...... i also want to eat sushi... yummy yummy.... ok lah... chat with u later...
rave兄!!你回来了啊!!where is my sushi??
no more sushi to eat....
原帖由 crashersus 於 2007-9-30 08:59 PM 發表
eat....y u din say early....my dinner also taken in Sushi king ler.....早知打包D卑你....
i just saw u here only.... how to inform u ler.....??
原帖由 ed_teck 於 2007-9-30 08:58 PM 發表

i like penang's 關芝角
erm.... the food there is normal.but is famous there. i think still got other place is better one...
原帖由 ravedoggie 於 2007-9-30 09:02 PM 發表

gurney drive????   好久没去过了。。。 上个月就住在gurneydrive 附近的G hotel..  下次要在去过~!!!
that G hotel is so beautiful.... but i think the NEW RASA SAYANG is better.... is much more beautiful... some more got beach there.....
原帖由 ed_teck 於 2007-9-30 09:05 PM 發表

好啊.. 食飽後有麼節目?
原帖由 ed_teck 於 2007-9-30 09:08 PM 發表

sure.. we are tourist ma.. need 地頭蟲帶路..
of course... no problem.... i can introduce many place for u all....
原帖由 ed_teck 於 2007-9-30 09:11 PM 發表

wet? 我只知道pp 多廟only...
你一定是很久没有来啦!!这里already have many to wet lo.....

回復 #2846 ravedoggie 的帖子

.....hope u can love it when u come here la....
原帖由 crashersus 於 2007-9-30 09:19 PM 發表

ya lor....你要wet到整身湿晒都得啊....
原帖由 ravedoggie 於 2007-9-30 09:27 PM 發表

then u hav 2 bring me 2 those very famous hawker eat char kue teow , penang laksa and O JIan~~  and other special penang food~ hehe..
hahaha..... no problem ... u can put down 100 heart....