本帖最後由 pull3 於 2012-10-14 07:44 AM 編輯 楼上讲 全错 德州最好 咩天灾都冇 你甘怕 不如返去大陆住啦
112200 發表於 2012-10-14 06:34 AM  Which part exactly was I wrong? And you have got to be kidding me. Texas no natural disasters? Do you even live in Texas?
I am just saying, don't live on the West, as opposed to many people recommend here. Let's say you have 70 years of life. I guarantee you will see at least, 3-4 Gigantic, level 7+ earthquakes during your lifetime.
When it happens, bridges collapse, buildings fall, thousands of casualties, countless of homeless people, economy won't recover for a few year.
I am sorry, do your own maths. |