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It was explained last nite.  方芳 met Vincent in Winnipeg and she doesn't know Vincent is 唐經天's son at that time.  After they were back in HK, Vincent wants 方芳 to meet his father.  方芳 first met 唐經天 in his office (at that time 唐經天 doesn't know 方芳 is his daughter), then 方芳 noticed 唐經天 looked exactly the same as the man in the photo her mother gave her, so she took the  photo out from her bag (a photo of 唐經天 & 方芳's mother), then 唐經天 started to find out 方芳 is in fact his daughter... ...
本帖最後由 shiroikoala 於 2011-10-8 09:32 PM 編輯 公仔箱論壇# O' j  E( u2 H5 d/ d6 [

( W5 ~& m  V) [2 r+ j; J  pKenson:  之前冇講,就係特登想誤導觀衆嘛! 之前講到芳芳俾唐經天趕走, 其實事情根本仲有下聞! 當時芳芳發覺唐經天同佢阿媽俾佢果張相入面果個人竟然一樣樣, 咪開始知道唐經天係佢老豆囉。 芳芳攞張相出嚟俾唐經天睇, 跟住咪相認囉!