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原帖由 woofy 於 2008-1-21 07:38 AM 發表

NOOOOOOO not Obama!!!!
I would rather want Hilary Clinton to be the president!!
just that u two ar gurl...thatz y support her la....
原帖由 bourget 於 2008-1-21 07:39 AM 發表

Hillary of course, they won't let black people be president I think !
dont think they will let a woman become president too...heehee

回復 #4025 bourget 的帖子

have a good one~
so itz only me & u left
where is all the other 小天使??

洛仔 not here......less ppl come here blow water....

回復 #4029 boy12 的帖子

hihi to u Mr.12
原帖由 woofy 於 2008-1-21 07:51 AM 發表

He's banned for a week. :019:
wonder where he 灌水 at...

灌水 ban acc rite da way?...i think only -功勳 for first time....

回復 #4036 boy12 的帖子

MostWanted is my name la......

nono, we need u here to blow water   bLoW BloW blow~
原帖由 woofy 於 2008-1-21 07:58 AM 發表

We don't need time alone!

curse on woofy.......
原帖由 woofy 於 2008-1-21 08:05 AM 發表

I just found out your name is mostwanted!!!!!!!
that hard to see ma??

curse on woofy again.......

[ 本帖最後由 l77o5twa17t3d 於 2008-1-21 08:08 AM 編輯 ]
curse only la...not killin'   how can i mass with big angle.....the whole貴族天堂 is on your bak la...

i only curse u to become more hot and sexy ji ma.....heehee...then u will have all guys give u all kind of headach~hahaha
原帖由 boy12 於 2008-1-21 08:14 AM 發表

Most wanted ?

Like this ?  

How mcuh to pay if catch u ?  U know la, Angel group ppl is so rich !! Hoho
tvb$ 5000 to catch me...heehee...dead or alive

回復 #4049 felixng2007 的帖子

hey..u ar spyin's at us blowin' water the whole time....
原帖由 felixng2007 於 2008-1-21 08:27 AM 發表
nono......do i need to spy you and smelly dog?
i think u want  that $5000 for catchin' me....
原帖由 felixng2007 於 2008-1-21 08:29 AM 發表

no need to carry big foot la.   your family no good la, no future.......people like you should join a bright family like us! lots of bright future for u haha
u been tellin' me the same thing over n over ever since we met.....