4 n8 G1 c5 x X, r! u & z. A! B4 E+ J, z; C4 ctvb now,tvbnow,bttvb ! ?4 D c$ P. L* ~8 b @9 i5.39.217.77:8898+ @8 P5 Z3 `- L
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb" L5 t N u, }# z6 j, m
! W: V1 l2 Y8 l& m! N7 x 金丝大峡谷国家森林公园位于陕西省商南县东南部新开岭腹地。园内风光秀丽,风格独特,风景如画, 具有窄、长、秀、奇、险、幽的特点,集峰、石、洞、林、禽、兽、泉、潭、瀑等自然景观于一体,步移 景异,景象万千。被誉为“峡谷奇观,生态王国”。作者: beckyken 時間: 2010-5-7 01:15 PM
The pictures are not enough to show "窄、长、秀、奇、险、幽的特点" in which I can see the "窄" at the second picture. What about the others 长、秀、奇、险、幽特点? However, the park is looked so good, not wonder we need to pay to enter.