以下是 SMC-asia.com Singapore 技術人員的回覆,自 Jan 10, 2010 購機後,即時發覺問題並即時以電郵給本港代理技術支援,再在翌日致電提問有關問題,兩星期後再次致電提問有關問題,代理竟然說未有收到電郵及未有職員了解有關情況,經多次追問才在 Feb 9 收到回覆如下:
The led beside the LAN 4 is to indicate the wireless security level. The LED will light up when the router configure to the High Security Level. Please see the below description: Low Level: WEP OPEN - LED won't light up High Level : WEP SHARED, WEP -AUTO, WPA, WPA-PSK, WPA2, WPA2-PSK, WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK, WPA1_WPA2-PSK, 802.1x - LED light up We have already confirmed the unknown light with our RD. It will light up when your wireless is secured.
2. SMC 是否從來不知道這 LED 指示燈為何會著,這 LED 指示燈著了是代表甚麼? 以下是廠方的回應 The led beside the LAN 4 is to indicate the wireless security level. The LED will light up when the router configure to the High Security Level. Please see the below description: Low Level: WEP OPEN - LED won't light up High Level : WEP SHARED, WEP -AUTO, WPA, WPA-PSK, WPA2, WPA2-PSK, WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK, WPA1_WPA2-PSK, 802.1x - LED light up
3. 若然這 LED 指示燈是代表某功能上的開關的話,為何標板上沒有任何代號? 這是新功能,所以標板上沒有任何代號。
SMC 方面說 :"There is a new firmware released that fixed the LED problem."!
真不明白這所謂 "LED problem" 究竟是 Router 開發時的 Bug 還是其他原因,SMC
方面竟然須要出 Firmware 更正之前說是 "Security Level Indicator" 的功能!