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標題: 总决赛后终极分析 [打印本頁]

作者: kingjames    時間: 2009-6-20 03:46 PM     標題: 总决赛后终极分析

Aftera grand total of 1,230 regular-season and 85 playoff games, there's oneteam left standing. It's interesting to note that the Ming-less HoustonRockets actually provided the most stubborn resistance for the Lakers,but Orlando wasn't exactly a pushover.

In any case, here's how L.A. beat the Magic:
Overall, the Lakers were quicker, longer, more athletic and more talented than the Magic.

Kobe Bryant is an all-time great player at thetop of his game, Dwight Howard is still climbing the early incline ofhis learning curve.

Pau Gasol and Lamar Odom presented levels ofintelligence, size, resourcefulness and skill that the Magic bigshadn't previously encountered in their journey through the postseason.

Whereas other opponents were unable to adequatelymatch up with Hedo Turkoglu and Rashard Lewis, Trevor Ariza and Odomhad the goods to bother and occasionally stifle Orlando's wing scorers.Ariza's steals and ability to squeeze past high screen/rolls wereimportant factors in jamming up the Magic's offense. Moreover, asevidenced in Game 5, Ariza's speed and determination eventually woredown Turkoglu.


Howard was routinely doubled as soon as he put theball on the floor, but the source of this help was multi-directional.Sometimes it came from the passer's defender, sometimes from the top,and sometimes from the weak side. Frequently, Howard was doubled byanother big man. Just as frequently, a small came from behind toprevent Howard from spinning in the lane. The various combinationssuccessfully discomforted the young man and prevented him fromregularly dominating the middle. In other words, the Lakers fullyexposed and exploited Howard's offensive immaturity.


If Howard's most effective defense is his coming fromthe weak side to block shots, he was mostly baffled by Gasol's trickyinside moves.

While Mickael Pietrus did an admirable job of battling with Kobe, both Courtney Lee and J.J. Redick were hugely overmatched.

The Lakers' triangle offense provided the spacingand the open passing lanes that enabled them to make Orlando pay dearlywhen they doubled Kobe

Given a full season with the Lakers, the addition ofGasol proved to be as important to L.A. as obtaining Kevin Garnett wasfor the Celtics. Likewise, having a healthy Ariza available providedanother critical improvement over last season's squad

Luke Walton had a splendid series off the bench,avoiding over-handling the ball, playing sturdy defense and takingadvantage of every mismatch created by L.A.'s S/Rs.


Jordan Farmar stayed in front of Alston on defense, and also contributed several important buckets.


Jackson simply outcoached SVG. For example, aftergetting burned in Game 3 by Howard's dive cuts in the wake of highS/Rs, the Lakers adjusted their defensive rotations and rendered thesame play virtually useless thereafter. Also, after Howard gainedexcellent position by sprinting to the front of the rim as Orlandopushed the ball, the Lakers bigs adjusted by simply side-steppingHoward and fronting him.


While a title quest motivates everyone, the Lakershad extra incentives that were unavailable to the Magic: Seekingredemption after losing to the Celtics last year. Kobe's desire toprove that he could win without Shaq. Gasol's proving that he wasindeed tough enough. And Jackson's opportunity to surpass Red Auerbach


However, certain problems must be addressed for the Lakers to repeat:


They must find a way to re-sign both Odom and Ariza. 他们要同时续约阿里扎和奥多姆。 Andrew Bynum has to spend his entire summerworking on his game. Specifically, he has to sharpen his focus ondefense, and understand that he doesn't have to score to be useful. 拜纳姆要在整个夏天刻苦地训练达到他比赛的最佳状态,尤其是,他要提高在防守端的专注力,要深知他的任务不仅仅是要在进攻上给予球队帮助。 Josh Powell is barely adequate and must bereplaced. Ditto for Sasha Vujacic, although his over-the-top contractwill make him difficult to deal. 鲍威尔应该要被交易,莎莎也是,他的合同会让他很难被交易。 Jackson has to return.          杰克逊要留任湖人队

Here's why the Magic lost:

Their point guard situation was dysfunctional.Rafer Alston made too many ill-advised decisions, missed too many openshots and wasn't nearly as effective going left as he was going right.Nelson wasn't ready for prime-time competition. The Magic missedAnthony Johnson's toughness.
Courtney Lee was afflicted with rookie-itis.

As Kareem Abdul-Jabbar correctly observed, Howard's post-up moves were indeed predictable.

Rashard Lewis tended to vanish at inopportune moments.

Their S/R defense was hampered by Howard'sdisinclination to show with force on the weak side. Also by thehesitancy frequently evidenced by both Lewis and Turkoglu when playingweak-side defense.


When driving into the lane, Pietrus had eyes only for the basket.

When Howard attacked ball-penetrators, the utter lackof protective baseline rotations behind him allowed the Lakers toconvert on numerous easy putbacks.


When their perimeter shooters were pressured, Orlando lacked alternative ways to juice their offense.

Lewis didn't get enough shot opportunities, i.e., post-ups and isolations.
The Magic failed to execute at both ends of thecourt during end-game situations, and this is where their lack ofchampionship series experience hurt them the most.

Most often, teams have to lose in their initialappearances in the Finals to fully understand what it takes to win.Yes, they played well in Games 2, 3, and 4, and Magic loyalists willclaim that they coulda/shoulda/woulda won had this shot been made orthat shot been missed. But, as the old adage says, "Close only countsin horseshoes and hand grenades."


What, then, does Orlando require to get over the top next year?
Howard has to attend summer school to develop a go-to move and a counter-move. 魔兽要在夏天的训练营里提高他的内线移动脚步技巧。 Perhaps a healthy Nelson could pick up the Magic as much as a healthy Ariza did for the Lakers. 也许一个健康的尼尔深会像阿里扎对于湖人一样把球队提升到另外到一个新的高度。Marcin Gortat must be retained, or else a comparable backup must be signed. 格塔特要留在队中,或者要签一个与之相当的一名内线的替补。
Redick must continue his improvement. Plus, hehas to get beaucoup playing time during the regular season to keep hisjumper sharp. 雷迪克要继续地取得进步,还有,他要获得更多的上场时间来磨练他的跳投能力。Getting a wing-man who can create his own scoring opportunities off the bounce is a must. 必须要得到一个自己能为自己创造得分机会的锋线球员。 A decision has to be made concerning the futureof Alston and Johnson. Can the former accept a tempo-changing backuprole? Since the latter will be 35 in October, is it worthwhile tocommit to him? Or is there a better alternative in the draft orfree-agent market? 要为阿尔斯通和约翰逊的未来做考虑。前者会是一个可靠的角色球员吗?后者十月份就35岁了,还值得把他留在队中吗?或者在选秀和自由市场还有什么更多的选泽机会吗?They also have to break the bank and re-up Turkoglu.By the way, he was obviously quite distressed at the limited number ofshot oppportunities he got in Game 5. In the end, the final verdict is as simple as this: A great team beat a very good team.


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