電腦是Windows XP
唔知點解,通常是用GomPlayer or Window Media Player 去
開一個Media file時,啟動大約5-10秒部電腦就會黑哂畫面然後
請教各位兄台是甚麼原因和何處理呢?謝謝作者: cocacola87 時間: 2009-6-18 11:55 AM
I think should the program crash or virus attach,作者: kevinj357 時間: 2009-9-5 01:07 PM
There might be an possible explanation which I had encountered before:
Your CPU usage is too high when you playing video in such hot weather, and this can make the temperature of the CPU exceed the max temperature which will lead your PC to restart automatically.
If you do encounter this problem, try to replace your CPU fan and this should works作者: ivan04 時間: 2009-9-28 08:57 PM