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標題: [養寵心得] 教狗心得 [打印本頁]

作者: pinaroo    時間: 2018-9-12 06:31 AM     標題: 教狗心得


當 第一日 帶 新買 的 狗仔 回家.

可以 的話 倍住 隻狗.

第一晚 是 會 噪.倍住 隻狗 就 唔 會 有 噪 情況.

教去 大小 便 是 由 第一日 開始.

食完 嘢 第一 時間 帶 隻 狗仔 去 你 指定 地方.

如 大小 便 不 在 你 指定 地方.

即時 用 滴露 清洗.好快就會自動會識.

切勿 打狗 或 把 狗 去 聞 番 自巳 大小 便.

狗 只有 十秒 記憶.一定 要 在 做 錯 十秒 內 制止.

否則 打狗 是 無 意思.

但 狗 會 記得 佢 一生 所 經歷 過 的 任何 事.

要 隻 狗 尊重 您.

不是 要 隻 狗 怕 您 而 做 您 想 佢 做 的 任何 事.

作者: manyiu    時間: 2018-9-12 07:08 AM


當 第一日 帶 新買 的 狗仔 回家.

可以 的話 倍住 隻狗.

第一晚 是 會 噪.倍住 隻狗 就 唔 會 有 噪 情況.

教去 大小 便 是 由 第一日 開始.

食完 嘢 第一 時間 帶 隻 狗仔 去 你 指定 地方.

如 大小 ...
pinaroo 發表於 2018-9-12 06:31 AM
我好認同 ! 狗狗係人類好朋友, 你對佢好, 佢會知到 ! 狗狗好有人性㗎 ! 我記得好多年前, 剛剛 move to 新居, 鄰居有隻 golden retriever , 狗狗好友善, 每次見到我都跑去搵我同佢玩. 到左冬天, 當年勁大雪, (唔好同多倫多比較呀 !) 大約有兩尺超過, 門都開唔到, 係窗度爬出去, 遠遠見到 golden retriever 跑黎, 幫我開出一個 "狗路", 個一刻, 我好感動 !
作者: manyiu    時間: 2018-9-12 07:12 AM

另一個原因我喜歡狗狗係 911 事件

Did Daisy the Dog Rescue Hundreds of 9/11 Survivors?

The tale of a dog named Daisy who rescued countless souls from World Trade Center towers on 11 September 2001 is inspiring but fabricated

A blind man named James Crane, a golden retriever called Daisy, the selfless rescue of almost a thousand people from one of the collapsing World Trade Center towers — if it all sounds too good to be true, that’s because it is, despite the opening line of the following example:

This is a true story which happened on 9-11-01.

James Crane worked on the 101st of Tower 1 of the World Trade Center.

He is blind so he has a golden retriever named Daisy. After the plane hit 20 stories below, James knew that he was doomed, so he let Daisy go out as an act of love. With tears in her eyes she darted away into the darkened hallway. Choking on the fumes of the jet fuel and the smoke he was just waiting to die … About 30 minutes later, Daisy comes back along with James’ boss, who Daisy just happened to pick up on floor 112.

On her first run of the building, she leads James, James’ boss and about 300 more people out of the doomed building.

But she wasn’t through yet, she knew there were others who were trapped. So, highly against James’ wishes she ran back in the building. On her second run, she saved 392 lives. Again she went back in. During this run, the building collapses. James hears about this and falls on his knees into tears.

Against all known odds, Daisy makes it out alive, but this time she is carried by a firefighter. “She lead us right to the people, before she got injured” the fireman explained. Her final run saved other 273 lives. She suffered acute smoke inhalation, severe burns on all four paws, and a broken leg, but she saved 967 lives.

The next week, Mayor Guilaini rewards Daisy with the Canine medal of Honor of New York. Daisy is the first civilian Canine to win such an honor.

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