2、進到CHIPSET FEATURES SETUP (晶片組規格設定)假如你的光碟機接IDE1就把Primary Master/Slave 主要 IDE 硬碟參數設定為“Disabled”假如你的光碟機接在IDE2上就把Secondary Master/Slave 次要 IDE 硬碟參數設定為”Disabled“(這步尤其重要千萬不能設錯,一定要把你光碟機所在的IDE通道設成”Disabled“,這關係到成功與否。另外就算你拔掉光碟機這一步也絕不能省略 )
1.用winrar extract
2.用Alcohol 120% to burn, 最好用4x or 8x burn,這樣會更stable~~
用nero 都得,但不是支援所有cd image
in winrar, double click the first of the part of all .rar file (eg. .r001 or .rar)
then click extract(of coz need extract all(.cue&.BIN)
*ps. r01 or 001 係指分割的壓縮檔的第一個file , 002,003....etc 就是其餘部份
im think the link that given already a broken link, or u can go this link to download : http://tvbnow.com/viewthread.php?tid=34770&highlight=Alcohol%2B120作者: netradio 時間: 2007-7-28 02:43 AM
Thanks for sharing yur knowledge作者: kensx 時間: 2007-10-8 10:05 AM
又涨知识了,谢谢楼住啊!作者: ikkuy 時間: 2007-10-16 12:52 PM
I m having problem buring a Wii game. It should be same as burning a PS2 game...
downloaded and installed alcohol 120%, and unzipped the game file,
i click..image burn wizard and chose the iso file, everything seems fine
but it couldnt detect my dvd+r or dvd-r (i tried both)
I am stuck at the screen where it asks
"Please insert an blank disc into the follow CD/DVD recorder to continue"
and under the "device statues", it says "Blank Disc[DVD]" ....what the hell...作者: ikkuy 時間: 2007-10-17 03:58 AM
actually i can burn it with nero, so is it the problem of alcohol?作者: meteorhuang 時間: 2007-11-7 08:42 PM
想問下xbox dl 落黎既game 係咪同ps2 dl落黎 大同小異 都係dl 完 燒出黎就直接玩得?
同埋我見xbox d game 大約都5~7gb, 咁一隻dvd 得4.7gb倒, 係唔係即係話如果要dl就要用d9呢?
ps有改機!!作者: zwei14 時間: 2010-4-16 08:46 AM
thank for useful info.作者: lythaihung3 時間: 2010-5-23 01:18 AM
学到野啦,多謝晒樓主分享。作者: sivart 時間: 2010-11-15 01:30 AM
thank you 再次多謝作者: susukylee 時間: 2011-1-4 06:00 AM
Hi, how could i burn XBOX360 games? Could you help please?
Thanks!作者: newkitintown 時間: 2011-2-4 09:25 AM
我都想知是否需要改機才可玩xbox dl 落黎既game 作者: wlcomp 時間: 2011-7-8 08:31 AM
很详细,我要慢慢学习作者: tiezhong 時間: 2011-7-12 12:23 AM
how about PS3????作者: faifaifaipenny 時間: 2011-11-28 05:06 AM
How can I burn the wii game and what software is the best the burn the game in dvd
Please help me out ?????????????????作者: idwai 時間: 2012-8-26 09:07 AM