1. 卡他性病毒 (Calicivirus) C
一種嚴重的傳染病, 可導至口腔潰爛、肺炎及高燒。預防方法:每年準行防疫注射。
A severe inflection causing mouth ulceration, pneumonia and high fever. Vaccinate every year for prevention.
2. 泛白血球感少症﹝腸炎病毒﹞(Panleucopaenla Virus) P
A severe diarrhea disease causing damage to bone marrow and immune suppression. Fatal in up to 50% cases. Vaccinate every year for prevention.
3. 病毒性鼻氣管炎 (Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis) FVR
Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis is caused by Feline Herpes Virus. Range of disease includes rhinitis, tracheitis, laryngitis and conjunctivitis. Vaccinate every year for prevention.
4. 貓傳染性腹膜炎 (Feline Infectious Peritonitis) FIP
A highly infectious disease of cats, spread through contact causing internal fluid accumulation and invariably fatal. Vaccination yearly dramatically increases protection.
5. 貓白血病毒感染症 (Feline Leukaemia Virus) FelV
An infectious disease of young cat, spread through contact, a common cause of cancer and immune suppression. Two vaccinations, one month apart are needed to confer immunity. Yearly booster required.
6. 狂犬症 (Rabies) R
Cats seem to have natural resistance to the rabies virus. However, some countries require rabies vaccination for importation. Before taking you cat abroad contact the importation authorities of the country. Rabies vaccination for a cat is not mandatory by law in Hong Kong.
7. 衣原體 (Feline Chlamydia) CL
A respiratory infection often causing chronic eye infections that are unresponsive to treatment. Vaccinate every for prevention.