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標題: Nikon D3 1,210萬有效像素 [打印本頁]

作者: 細亮    時間: 2008-4-21 08:41 PM     標題: Nikon D3 1,210萬有效像素

Nikon D3 1,210萬有效像素


D3配備了藝康開發的大幅尺寸CMOS影像感應器,具有1,210萬有效像素,標準設定下感光度範圍為ISO 200-6400。D3的影像感應器尺寸是統稱 ”35毫米大幅尺寸” 的 36 x 23.9 毫米,這種新的影像感應器的影像格式稱為 ” FX格式”。

D3 能以每秒約9張的速度連續拍攝1,210萬像素的影像。此外,選擇[DX 格式 (24 x 16)] (510萬像素)時,每秒可拍攝約11張。D3具有卓越的影像品質、感光度和速度等性能,使 D3 能滿足的各類用戶包括專業用戶的多樣化需求


相機類型 : 數碼單鏡反光相機
有效像素 : 1210 萬
影像感應器 : 藝康 FX 格式 CMOS 感光元件, 36.0 x 23.9 毫米; 總像素 : 1287萬
影像大小 (像素) FX 格式: 4,256 x 2,832 [L], 3,184 x 2,120 [M], 2,128 x 1,416 [S]; 5:4 (30 x 24): 3,552 x 2,832[L], 2,656 x 2,120 [M], 1,776 x 1,416 [S]; DX format: 2,784 x 1,848 [L], 2,080 x 1,384 [M], 1,392 x 920 [S]

感光度 : 相等於 ISO 200 至 6,400;HI-0.3, HI-0.5, HI-0.7, HI-1 (ISO 12,800), HI-2 (ISO 25,600) 及 LO-0.3, LO-0.5, LO-0.7 and LO-1 (ISO 100)  

儲存系統 : NEF (12/14-bit 無損性壓縮[約 60-80%] RAW), NEF (12/14-bit 壓縮 [約45-60% ]), JPEG(基線-兼容)

檔案系統 : DCF 2.0, DPOF 及 Exif 2.21
儲存媒體 : CompactFlash™ (CF) Card (Type I/II, 兼容 UDMA) 及 Microdrive™

拍攝模式 1) 單張拍攝模式 [S] , 2) 連續低速拍攝模式 [CL] : 每秒1-9張, 3) 連續高速拍攝模式[CH] : 每秒9張 (DX 格式每秒9-11張), 4) 實時顯示模式 [LV] , 5) 自拍模式, 6) 反光鏡升起模式  

白平衡 自動 (使用主影像感應器和1,005 像素 RGB 感應器進行TTL 白平衡 ); 白熾燈,螢光燈,直射陽光,閃光燈,陰天,陰影,選擇色溫,白平衡預設

LCD 顯示屏大小 3.0 英吋

LCD 顯示屏 3.0 英吋; 92萬點, 低溫多晶矽 TFT LCD 顯示屏 ; 170 度可視角度

重播功能 1. 全畫面 ; 2. 略圖 ; 3.放大縮小 ; 4. 幻燈片播放 ; 5. 色階圖顯示 ; 6. 拍攝數據 ; 7. 高光位顯示 ; 8. 自動影像旋轉

刪除功能 1. 記憶卡格式化 ; 2. 全部刪除 ; 3.揀選刪除
I/O 終端 NTSC 或 PAL ( 可在功能選單選擇 ); 可在視頻輸出及LCD 顯示屏同步顯示

介面 USB 2.0 (高速): Mass Storage 及 PTP 模式

畫角 相等鏡頭焦距畫角 (DX格式時約鏡頭焦距之 1.5 倍)

觀景器類型 光學觀景器

觀景器 固定眼平五棱鏡; 內置屈光度調節 (-3 to +1.0 m-1), 提供接目鏡

視點 18 mm (-1.0 m-¹)

對焦屏 B 型 光亮磨砂對焦屏 VI

觀景器畫面覆蓋率/放大率 約 100%/ 約 0.7x

反光鏡 自動, 即時返回型

鏡頭光圈 即時返回型, 帶有景深預覽按鈕

自動對焦 TTL 相位偵測, 藝康 Multi-CAM3500FX 自動對焦模組, 51個對焦點 (15 個十字型感應器) ; 偵測範圍: EV -1 至 +19 [在常溫攝氏 20 度 /華氏 68 度 , 相等於 ISO 100] ; 焦平對比 [在“實時顯示” (三脚架) 模式]

對焦模式 1) 單次伺服 AF-S; 2) 連續伺服 AF-C; 根據主體自動對焦追蹤, 3) 電子測距儀手動對焦 (M) 可從 51 個對焦點中選擇
對焦鎖定 對焦會於按 AE-L/AF-L 時或於半按快門釋放按鈕時鎖定

測光系統 1) 3D 彩色矩陣測光系統 II ( G 和 D 型鏡頭); 彩色矩陣測光 II (其它類型 CPU 鏡頭,由若用戶提供鏡頭數據的非 CPU 鏡頭) ; 2)中央重點測光: 畫面中央 8mm、15mm 或 20mm 的圓圈內集中了 75%的測光權重, 或對整個畫面進行平均測光 ; 3)點測光: 對所選的對焦區域中心 4 mm 的圓圈(約佔1.5%畫面)進行測光(使用非 CPU 鏡頭時是中心對焦區)。

測光範圍 1) 0 至 20 EV ( 3D彩色距陣測光, 偏重中央測光 ) ; 2) 2 至 20 EV ( 重點測光 )

測光 CPU 及 AI (自動最大光圈讀數 )

曝光控制 1. [P] 程式自動 ; 2. [S] 快門先決自動 ; 3. [A] 光圈先決自動 ; 4. [M] 手動

自動曝光鎖定 以 AE-L/AF-L 按鈕鎖定偵察到的曝光值

自動包圍曝光 2 至 9 張 ; 曝光補償定級 : 1/3, 1/2, 2/3 或 1 EV 定級調校

最高快門速度 1/8000

最低快門速度 30

快門 電磁調控縱走式焦平快門; 1/8,000 至 30 秒, 以 1/3 、1/2 或 1 EV 步長調整; B 門

同步接觸 只有 X 接點 : 閃光同步快達 1/250 秒

閃光控制 以 1,005 像素 RGB 感應器進行 TTL 閃光控制

閃光同步模式 1) 前簾同步 ; 2) 減輕紅眼現象;3) 慢速同步連
減輕紅眼現象;4) 慢速同步; 5) 後簾同步

插腳 標準ISO熱靴接點配合安全鎖

同步終端 ISO 519 標準型熱靴接點;配合安全鎖機制

自拍時間掣 電子控制;延遲時間︰ 2、 5、 10 和 20 秒
景深預覽按鈕 有
搖控 使用 10 針遙控終端 MC-22/30/36 (另購) 或 無線傳輸器 WT-4 (另購)
GPS NMEA 0183 (2.01 和 3.01版)介面標準, 支援 9 針 D-sub線(另購)和 GPS 線 MC-35 (另購)

支援語言 共15種語言 : 德語, 英語,西班牙語,芬蘭語,法語, 意大利語,荷蘭語,波蘭語, 葡萄牙語, 俄語, 瑞典語, 繁體中文, 中文簡體, 日語和韓語

電源 鋰離子 ( Li-ion ) 充電池 EN-EL4a/EL4 ,AC 變壓器 EH-6 ( 另購 )

三腳架孔 1/4 英吋. (ISO 1222)

體積 約 159.5 x 157 x 87.5 毫米

重量 (不包括電池、記憶卡及相機蓋) 約 1,240 克

提供配件 鋰離子 ( Li-ion ) 充電池 EN-EL4a,快速充電器 MH-22,USB 線 UC-E4,音頻 / 視頻線 EG-D2,相機帶 AN-D3,機身蓋BF-1A,配件熱靴蓋 Cap BS-2,接目鏡DK-17,電池匣蓋 BL-4,USB 線夾, Software Suite 光碟

作者: ayakoizumi    時間: 2008-4-22 12:23 AM

作者: carolfeeling    時間: 2008-4-22 09:09 AM

Preview based on a production Nikon D3, Firmare V1.0 (and V1.10)

The professional Nikon D 'single digit' series of digital SLR's started life back in June 1999 with the groundbreaking D1. Groundbreaking because it was the digital SLR that broke Kodak's stranglehold on the digital SLR market and fundamentally brought prices down to a level which most professionals could afford (around the US$5,500 mark). Since then we have seen a steady progression in the evolution of this line of cameras. Whilst the core values of a high quality full-size body with integrated grip have remained constant, the line split into two halves (indicated by the X and H suffixes), one targeted at high resolution photography the other high speed sports type photography (lower resolution but faster continuous shooting). It's been almost three years since Nikon introduced a completely new digital SLR with a new sensor (the D2X) and there had been much anticipation that Nikon's next move would be a full-frame chip.

And so it was, with the introduction last August of the new 'FX format' D3, featuring a 36 x 23.9 mm 12.1 megapixel CMOS sensor as well as a vast array of new features which absolutely raise it another notch above previous single digit Nikon DSLRs. Important headline improvements include high sensitivity support by default, up to ISO 6400 with 25600 available as a boost option, 14-bit A/D conversion, a new standard image processor, a new shutter, new auto focus sensor, focus tracking by color, nine frames per second continuous, dual compact flash support, DX lens support (albeit at lower resolution) with automatic cropping and a 3.0" 922,000 pixel LCD monitor (which it has to be said is lovely).

Some will undoubtedly question Nikon for 'only' delivering twelve megapixels on their first full frame digital SLR, all we can presume by looking at past model line history is that this camera is designed for speed (both in sensitivity, auto-focus and continuous shooting). Our first comment on seeing the D3 in the late summer of last year was 'where's the 'H' suffix?', something echoed many times in the months following announcement by commentators and photographers. Although Nikon remains tight-lipped about its future plans it seems fair to assume that Photokina will bring an EOS 1DS Mark III competitor (with higher resolution but without the high speed shooting).

Note: The day this review was finished Nikon announced a firmware upgrade for the D3, which added a couple of new features (including vignette correction and control over the brightness of the AF points) and a few bug fixes. Today Nikon pulled the upgrade as in certain circumstances (shooting at maximum speed in 14-bit RAW mode) it can 'in rare circumstances' cause corruption of some images. We updated the firmware on our test D3 yesterday and have not been able to recreate the issue, though many of our forum members have. 99% of this review was done with the original (v1.00) firmware.

Model line history

Model  Announced  Effective pixels  Auto focus  Continuous highest (JPEG)  LCD monitor
D1        Jun 1999        2.6 mp        5 point        4.5 fps, 21 frames        2.0", 120K pixels
D1X        Feb 2001        5.3 mp        5 point        3.0 fps, 9 frames        2.0", 130K pixels
D1H        Feb 2001        2.7 mp        5 point        5.0 fps, 40 frames        2.0", 130K pixels
D2H        Jul 2003        4.1 mp        11 point        8.0 fps, 40 frames        2.5", 211K pixels
D2X        Sep 2004        12.2 mp        11 point        5.0 fps, 22 frames *1        2.5" 235K pixels
D2Hs        Feb 2005        4.1 mp         11 point        8.0 fps, 50 frames        2.5" 235K pixels
D2Xs        Jun 2006        12.2 mp        11 point        5.0 fps, 22 frames *1        2.5" 230K pixels
D3        Aug 2007        12.1 mp (FF)        51 point        9.0 fps, 130 frames *2        3.0" 922K pixels + Live View
*1 Also 8 fps in cropped mode (6.7 MP)
*2 Up to 11 fps with DX format (5.1 MP)

Nikon D3 Key Features

First ever Nikon DSLR with a Full-Frame (36 x 24 mm) sensor (dubbed the 'FX' format)
12.1 megapixel full-frame sensor (8.45µm pixel pitch)
ISO 200 - 6400 (with boost up to ISO 25600)
Also supports DX lenses, viewfinder automatically masks (5.1 megapixels with DX lens)
5:4 ratio crop mode (10 megapixels, up to 9 fps, viewfinder masked)
14-bit A/D conversion, 12 channel readout
Nikon EXPEED image processor (Capture NX processing and NR algorithms, lower power)
Super fast operation (power-up 12 ms, shutter lag 41 ms, black-out 74 ms)
New Kevlar / carbon fibre composite shutter with 300,000 exposure durability
New Multi-CAM3500FX Auto Focus sensor (51-point, 15 cross-type, more vertical coverage)
Auto-focus tracking by color (using information from 1005-pixel AE sensor)
Auto-focus calibration (fine-tuning) now available (fixed body or up to 20 separate lens settings)
Scene Recognition System (uses AE sensor, AF sensor)
Picture Control image parameter presets (replace Color Modes I, II and III)
Custom image parameters now support brightness as well as contrast
Nine frames per second continuous with auto-focus tracking
Eleven frames per second continuous without auto-focus tracking
Ten / eleven frames per second continuous in DX-crop mode (AF / no-AF)
作者: rick_wbw    時間: 2009-7-7 05:15 PM

waiting D3x

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