標題: 【两场比赛科比点评】“孩子气”的科比需要长大 [打印本頁]
作者: kingjames 時間: 2008-3-31 03:58 AM 標題: 【两场比赛科比点评】“孩子气”的科比需要长大
Welcometo Anger Management Therapy, Mr. Bryant. My name is Doctor Jackson. Youcan call me Phil, or you can call me P.J. But don't call me Jackson.
NowI want you to think back to your childhood. Did you have any issueswith your parents? Yes, you know, did one of them punish you forsomething you didn’t do?
Did they take your favorite toy away? Or send you to bed without your dinner?
Thenwhy don’t you show them how you feel? Yes, right now. Express youranger. Drop your jaw. Make an angry face. Snarl and wave your hands.That’s it. Now make a sound. Very good.
Okay,tell me how you feel about authority figures. Yes, was there a teacherperhaps who blamed you unjustly for something that another student did?
Hmm, I see. Well, go ahead. Express your anger. You know the drill.
All right. Now I’m going to say a word, and I want you to say the first thing that comes to mind.
Jerry Buss?...Traitor!
Colorado? Uh, Mr. Bryant? Mr. Bryant, you can get off the floor. We have some nice thick pillows in the corner that you can pound.
Noone can argue that Kobe Bryant is not one of the greatest players toever put on an NBA uniform. And who can deny that this 10-time All Stardoesn't deserve MVP consideration? Still some feel that voters over theyears have done a disservice to Bryant having not selected him in prioryears as an MVP.
But Kobe Bryant is his own worst enemy.
Though he is 29 years-old and has been in the NBA for ten years, he more often than not acts like he is still in Lower
High School.
他已经29岁,在NBA也已经有10个年头。但是,现在的他和10年前在LOWER 高中并没有什么不一样。
A prolific scorer, Bryant has also gained a reputation among league officials, his peers and the fans as a prolific complainer.
Wednesday night's game against the lowly Bobcats serves as a perfect example of how Bryant often lets his emotions run unabated.。
Withthe Lakers playing a very flat game, lacking in tenacity and intensity,Bryant went on a tirade with four minutes left in the fourth quarter.
The Lakers, who trailed the Bobcats from start to finish, had pulled to within three points 84-81 at the 7:45 mark. Then the Bobcats went on a 16-5 run capped off by a four-point play by Matt Carroll.
山猫在整场比赛都占据了主动的地位。湖人在比赛结束还有7分45秒的时候,才把比分追到84-81。随后,黄蜂凭借matt carroll的三分冲击波打出了16-5的小高潮。
Atthat point, Bryant let his emotions get the best of him. He picked uptwo technical fouls in the span of 29 seconds for arguing the foulcall. Then Bryant kicked the ball at David Jones, the official, andJones tossed Bryant out with 3:40 remaining.
Onthe season, he has amassed 15 technical fouls. That's an average of onetechnical every 6 games. One more and Bryant must sit out a game.
Friday night's game against the lowly Grizillies serves as another example of how Bryant acts as a child.。
KobeBryant looked at what was unfolding and tried to take it upon himselfto beat the hapless Grizzlies (19-53), scoring a season-high 53 points.It wasn't enough.
Bryant bent down and put his head in his hands, obviously unhappy with the result.
Childish? No doubt. Frustrated? Beyond belief
DoesBryant feel like his outstanding abilities make him privileged? Idon't know. Perhaps. Sometimes he certainly acts as though he isprivileged.
WhatI do know is that Bryant happens to be the self-proclaimed leader ofthe Lakers. He has said that many times. He is the team captain.
Well,a leader leads by example. A professional acts professionally. Bryantneeds to find a professional way to communicate his feelings to theofficials and end this immature behavior.
Bryant hasacted immaturely and unprofessionally on the court for way too long.His refusal to meet with reporters after the game with the Bobcats andafter team practice is just another example of his childish ways.
Theteam leader, the Laker captain, has no business giving reporters a coldshoulder and running off. He needs to be held accountable for hisactions. The fans deserve an answer as to why he has behaved in such amanner.
Ifhis rash of technical fouls and his immature behavior cost him the MVP,Bryant has no one to blame but himself. I don’t deny that he is afantastic player, a legend, a future Hall of Famer. But he needs togrow up. And, for the Lakers sake, it had better be fast.
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