& W& J! V3 D6 V V巧克力:巧克力在冰箱中冷存后,一旦取出,在室温条件下即会在其表面结出一层白霜,极易发霉变质,失去原味。作者: rose08 時間: 2008-3-24 04:44 AM
thanks作者: minixd 時間: 2008-3-24 09:34 AM
Oh.very useful!thanks for sharing!作者: cocoycyip 時間: 2008-3-28 09:49 PM
thank so much for share作者: ahkek 時間: 2008-3-28 11:05 PM 標題: 回復 #4 cocoycyip 的帖子
well...i though choclate when take out see that white thing is js ice only, now u said easy 发霉。。。better dun put too long loh..... thank you for sharing......作者: Taffy 時間: 2008-4-3 12:15 AM
原来猪古力唔放得落去架??!!' B4 ]( v, G9 U
咁吃唔晒要融咁点算啊??作者: bbnikki 時間: 2008-4-3 07:55 AM
Oh! it is useful information. Thanks alot作者: seansky 時間: 2008-4-5 02:41 PM
西红柿 is that call tomato thankyou作者: 巴沙拿 時間: 2008-4-13 12:35 AM
真系你五讲我都五知作者: kantci 時間: 2008-4-13 06:28 AM
:onion05: :onion05: :onion05: thx作者: stsc 時間: 2008-4-13 08:22 AM
THANK U TELLING.作者: kailee 時間: 2008-4-15 12:44 PM
thx for the usefull information + o6 Y+ D- `9 v/ [公仔箱論壇cheers!:onion05:作者: yappyha 時間: 2008-4-16 03:57 PM
thank for sharing!作者: lova127 時間: 2008-4-21 01:22 AM