很好的懷舊effect function 照,現在手机都有此function可用,真方便.作者: antyyuen 時間: 2014-2-1 05:49 PM
好有味道 !作者: jjjsub 時間: 2014-3-26 03:26 PM
很多謝你的分享,謝! Thank you very much!! 請問還有更多這屋邨的舊照嗎?作者: tai1 時間: 2014-3-28 09:49 AM
paradise looking
what a wonderful scene for keeping the path of life under the changing life pattern
the last pic shines with promising
so warm feeling for keeping the past!作者: felixttt 時間: 2014-3-31 04:57 PM
thank you for your sharing.
十分之懷緬,牛頭角有分上、下邨,始終下邨比較熱鬧。作者: esmesm 時間: 2014-4-1 01:12 PM