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標題: [自然百科] 為什麼火烈鳥Flamingos 常常單腳站立 ? [打印本頁]

作者: klamb    時間: 2014-1-1 02:23 AM     標題: 為什麼火烈鳥Flamingos 常常單腳站立 ?

本帖最後由 klamb 於 2014-1-1 02:41 AM 編輯

火烈鳥常常單腳站立,另一條腿夾在身體的下方.為什麼這樣做 ?
Flamingos often stand on one leg, the other leg tucked beneath the body. The reason for this behavior is not fully understood.

Young flamingos hatch with greyish reddish plumage, but adults range from light pink to bright red due to aqueous bacteria and beta-Carotene obtained from their food supply.

火烈鳥是眾所周知的常單腳站立及休息.科學家們有些研究想法,為什麼鳥兒喜歡這種單腳站立同時睡覺 ?
Flamingos (Phoenicopterus rubber) are known to often stand on one leg while resting. Scientists have put forward a number of ideas as to why the birds favor this unipedal stance while taking a snooze, but none had ever tested out their explanations.

Enter Matthew Anderson, a psychologist at Saint Joseph's University in Philadelphia. Anderson had studied various behaviors of flamingos, including why they tend to prefer bending their neck to the right and not the left when they lay it on their backs to sleep. The next logical step in his research was to see if they had a preference for their right or left foot while standing and resting

Flamingos always seem to be standing on one leg. It’s a little odd, but also impressive, when you consider that the birds’ legs are long and thin and most of their body weight is horizontally oriented. Even humans, vertically oriented with the bulk of our weight in line with our center of gravity, have a hard time standing on one leg for more than a few minutes (most of us, anyway). One would think that if the birds are doing something so difficult so often for so long, there must be a benefit to it, but for a long time we had no idea what that might be. Scientists had proposed a number of explanations, but very few of them were ever tested.


Recent research indicates that standing on one leg may allow the birds to conserve more body heat, given that they spend a significant amount of time wading in cold water.However, the behaviour also takes place in warm water.

The Conservation Theory
One of the more widely accepted theories is that flamingos stand on one leg to conserve body heat and energy. Some ornithologists have suggested that flamingos might essentially turn off half of the brain to rest and balance on the leg that is connected to the part of the brain that is awake. Tucking one leg under the body would help conserve body heat because it would minimize the surface area that is exposed to the air.


The Circulation Theory
Alternating legs might also allow the flamingo to rest and promote circulation through both legs. The long legs of these birds require extra work from the heart to circulate blood fully throughout the body. Especially when flamingos are standing in cool water, the heart is forced to circulate more blood to keep both legs warm. By tucking one leg closer to the body, a flamingo might reduce the load on its heart.



作者: 細細粒han    時間: 2014-1-1 06:36 PM

:O 好得意呀~ 單腳企竟然係可以降低對心臟的負荷
同時佢都好勁 單腳企都唔會跌HAHA

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