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標題: [旅遊資訊] 大部份中国民眾都不知道-洋人每天拿中国人来 [打印本頁]

作者: bwk0317    時間: 2012-12-10 05:31 AM     標題: 大部份中国民眾都不知道-洋人每天拿中国人来

恥笑, 羞辱你們,可悲可悲!

Anonymous raged 1 year ago —— I hate Asians with a passion! I hate them! They're like insects. Those yellow, squinty-eyed *粗口*ers are always coming here in America trying to be like us, trying to be something they're not. We don't like you! You shun your own culture for ours and you don't even like your own kind you stupid twinkies. Stop trying to sleep with our women! Stop dividing the beauties of blacks and whites with you're impurity! You Asians don't even take pride in your own ethnicity because you know that no one likes an Asian. We make fun of you all on a daily basis; In our cartoons, in our commercials, and in our television shows so why in the hell do you still attempt! In your television shows, lets say Japan for example: I see cartoons that constantly portray caucasion features and american culture; I constantly see the reject American sub-cultures incorporated into your television shows. That's all I see in you're culture. You don't see much of that in Africa, Northern Russia, or in the the Middle-East. An American is too good for an Asian. I hate seeing white and Asian couples as well as black and Asian couples. How many of your women are with us verses your men? You rarely see a white female with an Asian male although they constantly attempt (no one wants a squinty-eyed baby). You're more likely to see an Asian woman with a white male; in other words, if you're not supplying pussy, then you're not wanted. I've seen Asian guys stalk white women (and I still do). I see Asian guys trying to impress or appeal to white women by doing what they feel is appealing; perception in general (speech [dialect], persona [whatever appeals to their predominately white friends], ect.). They always hang with whites; it'd be about 6 whites and one or two Asians (who are always in the back just tagging along). I'm sick of it! You're like these little bugs, you just latch yourselves onto our asses, you won't go away and you keep coming! I want Asians out of this country! I want them to go back to their countries and play with white dildos for all I care, but stay away from our people!!! Honor us by killing yourselves!!!


Google 簡單翻譯:我恨他們!他們就像昆蟲。那些黃色,斜視眼的混蛋一直在美國試圖像我們想成爲的東西,他們不是。我們不喜歡你!順爲我們自己的文化,你甚至不喜歡你自己,你愚蠢的奶油夾心餅。別再想睡覺的時候與我們的婦女!與你雜質,停止分裂的黑人和白人美女!您亞洲人並不甚至可以在自己的種族感到驕傲,因爲你知道,沒有人喜歡一個亞洲。我們取笑你每天在我們的動畫片,我們的廣告,並在我們的電視顯示你到底爲什麽仍然會嘗試!在您的電視節目,可以說,日本的例子:我看卡通,不斷描繪的白種人的功能和美國文化,我經常看到“拒絕”美國亞文化納入您的電視節目。這是我看到的在你的文化。你看不到的,在非洲,俄羅斯北部,或在中東。一個美國人爲亞洲太好了。我討厭看到白人和亞裔夫婦以及黑色和亞洲的夫婦。你的女人,有多少是與我們的經文你的人嗎?你很少看到一個白色的女性與亞洲男性,盡管他們不斷地嘗試(沒有人想要一個寶寶斜視眼)。你越有可能看到亞裔女子和白人男性,換句話說,如果你不提供貓,那麽你不想要的。我已經看到了亞洲男人稈白人婦女(和我仍然這樣做)。我看到亞洲男人試圖打動或上訴的白人婦女做什麽,他們的感覺是有吸引力的,在一般的看法(講話[方言],人物任何上訴,以他們的朋友爲主的白色],等。)。他們總是挂的白人,這將會是大約6白人和一個或兩個亞洲人(總是在後面跟著的人)。我煩死了!你喜歡這些小蟲子,你只要自己鎖存到我們的驢,你不會走,你繼續來!我想亞洲人出這個國家!我希望他們回到自己的國家,玩與白假陽具,我才不管,但遠離我們的人!!榮譽我們通過殺死自己!

專家認為:中國人海外老是被歧視欺負淩虐,多數是人太內弱,太多中國女性給白人男性搞和多年來中國人向西方人卑躬屈膝所做成... 你認為呢
作者: easylove0811    時間: 2012-12-14 05:39 PM

作者: berniceng    時間: 2012-12-15 11:34 AM

作者: pga    時間: 2012-12-16 03:48 AM

I read that post twice. And all I have to say is what an idiot. Was he from the 50s or something? HEY BUDDY its the 21st century. NO ONE give a shiet about what you look like. Haters gonna hate.
作者: abanaba    時間: 2012-12-16 07:54 AM

Really?  Where the hell did you find this?  Don't try so hard to spread this discrimination BS.
作者: xeonvincent    時間: 2012-12-16 08:55 PM

The way I see it, the fact that they label us as "Asians" is a form of discrimination itself.

Learn to respect the country which we come from.

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