標題: [自然百科] 動物胚胎 [打印本頁]
作者: vandas 時間: 2012-8-26 05:33 AM 標題: 動物胚胎
Wombs with a view: Revolutionary four-dimensional imaging reveals spectacular photos of mammal embryos that already look just like mum
By Daily Mail Reporter
They may grow to be very different beasts, but these breathtaking images reveal how surprisingly similar the beginning of life can be for the animal kingdom.
Captured ]using revolutionary four-dimensional scanning technology, scientists have managed to shed light on the world of mammals inside the womb.
As diverse a bunch as they are - elephant, dog, dolphin and penguin are all shown united by their similar stages of development.

An Asian elephant foetus after 12 months in the womb, catching some shut eye before she takes her first heavy steps in the world in just under a year's time. The gestation period for an elephant is 22 months

Paw-sing for thought: With tiny paws poised an unborn puppy looks already set to pounce as he reaches his full gestation period of around nine weeks

Say cheese: A baby dolphin seems to be smiling for the camera as he prepares for his big splash
Using revolutionary four-dimensional scanning technology, scientists have captured the images for a National Geographic Documentary called 'Extraordinary Animals in the Womb'.
They were captured by using a combination of three-dimensional ultrasound scans, computer graphics and small cameras to document the animals’ development from conception to birth, and give an unparalleled glimpse into a world that few of us would ever expect to see.
The images were also used on a Channel 4 documentary 'Animals in the Womb'.
The documentary explores the marked similarities between very different animals.

Sleepy?: A dog foetus could be mistaken for a fat in these ground breaking images. The animals - as diverse as they are - strike remarkably similar poses in the womb

Snug as a bug: A penguin curls up in it's mothers womb. The gestation period lasts about 63 days. The females then lay the egg and pass it on to the male penguin while they go off to feed.

A baby kangaroo in its mother's pouch, where it will stay for six months before it hops into the world

An Emperor penguin chick embryo inside its egg after about one week's gestation

This baby kitten is just a week away from being born

A cocooned parasitic wasp larva beginning to morph into adult form
作者: vandas 時間: 2012-8-26 05:45 AM
1、帝企鵝在蛋裡 一呼一吸
2、寄生蜂 - 地球上的外來客
在此電腦制作的檸檬鯊懷孕的仿真影像中,像人類胚胎一樣,檸檬鯊胚胎也通過臍帶和媽媽的胎盤相連。然而,檸檬鯊懷孕不總是和人類一樣。檸檬鯊胚胎要發育 12個月才算足月,且當它們在子宮裡懷孕大約三個月時,它們以卵黃囊為食。它們一旦消耗完卵黃囊,塌陷的卵黃囊就會停靠在子宮壁上,將其血管射入子宮壁,從此利用檸檬鯊媽媽的血液循環。當檸檬鯊胚胎6個月大時,其嗅覺能力是人類胚胎的一萬倍。其它感官能力包括對電的敏感度也非常靈敏。這種能力讓它們能發現其它動物的微弱電壓,有一天將會讓此鯊魚能探測到幾百英尺之外在水中拍打的魚鰭。
Emperor penguin
Lemon Shark
作者: 果鲁鲁 時間: 2012-8-26 08:28 AM
作者: nuggetsiverson 時間: 2012-8-27 04:52 PM
作者: klamb 時間: 2013-12-17 07:29 AM 標題: 動物胚胎照片和紀錄片
本帖最後由 klamb 於 2013-12-17 10:48 AM 編輯
在當年 (2006年)

節目的製片人Peter Chinn,使用3D超聲波掃描,電腦圖形和微型攝像機的組合來捕捉過程,從受孕到誕生,這是他們見過的最詳細的胚胎的動物圖片。

These amazing embryonic animal photographs of dolphins, sharks, dogs, penguins, cats and elephants are from a new National Geographic Documentary called “Extraordinary Animals in the Womb”.
The show’s producer, Peter Chinn, used a combination of three-dimensional ultrasound scans, computer graphics and tiny cameras to capture the process from conception to birth.
They are the most detailed embryonic animal pictures ever seen.

An Emperor penguin chick embryo inside its egg after about one week's gestation
National Geographic In the Womb - YouTube
作者: 麵包和牛奶 時間: 2013-12-17 03:32 PM
作者: shawn2222 時間: 2015-1-19 07:19 PM
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