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標題: [旅遊資訊] 水上酒店 [打印本頁]

作者: ausho    時間: 2012-5-25 03:22 PM     標題: 水上酒店

作者: wmy123    時間: 2012-5-29 10:03 PM

作者: fls125    時間: 2012-6-2 03:35 PM

.. these hotel is so nice yet I am so worry to stay {6 f* j* [; X5 }* Q- Q
.. when young ~ daddy bring us to stay at a fisherman house as well as visit to his Wooden House In The Ocean.
( j  Z8 d7 v# m9 ~$ T* `.. Therefore during night time, instead of sleeping, we are awake the whole night due to so worry that his house will swept away by the strong tidal wave. 6 ^; V/ m' }! D. V
作者: moderstone    時間: 2012-6-3 04:30 PM

作者: hhl86pop    時間: 2012-6-3 10:50 PM

the 1st pic is the best for me! haha.. even on the ship, not the real sea..公仔箱論壇2 Z9 w$ p) ]" {( N0 O$ C& r% [
I am quite wondering, at night, what we can do in the hotel coz it's very dark and i am afraid of get sick (cool) if the strong wind blows at night.
作者: 2011J    時間: 2012-6-7 07:18 PM

作者: jacksosiusiu    時間: 2012-6-9 12:49 AM

作者: groomy    時間: 2012-6-21 08:56 PM

作者: jerry1    時間: 2012-6-23 12:24 PM

這些水上酒店都是真的嗎 ?公仔箱論壇  N) i, `: I1 G8 Q+ t1 ~9 `2 d
唯美、浪漫、好夢幻呀~tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb) d$ B2 y0 H  A1 A+ f
* {9 X1 i2 K' [+ {3 ~0 Jtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb人生就值得了啦~
作者: gurken2012    時間: 2012-6-23 07:57 PM

圖十一好愜意8 ~: W( b* k  q. g& U
) S* N7 C( ~8 w# w% Utvb now,tvbnow,bttvb怕已成烤豬了
3 I: a/ |) b( M& e" C. W3 U' r7 E5 B哈哈哈
作者: 木頭公仔    時間: 2012-6-23 10:08 PM

作者: 24-4-2007    時間: 2012-6-24 06:22 PM

thank you very much
作者: hamtu5168    時間: 2012-6-25 01:45 PM

水上酒店...的確是可以寂靜地享受不受打擾的人生5.39.217.77:88989 c; L" [6 \$ }! n4 N: w
看看這些有些豪華的水上酒店..公仔箱論壇) _6 f7 @- y- r2 V* D2 O
9 Y  }9 y5 B, X* Z% B口袋不夠深的...大概也只能看看就好~
* t3 o' Z; x: w' P1 E: c0 @公仔箱論壇要是能在這般優美水上酒店住個一晚!
, A; Z4 x# c& L* ]1 z4 W再多錢偶都願意花~~
作者: jerusalemhk    時間: 2012-6-25 07:59 PM

4 O1 s, E+ Z& s- |# Z/ C5.39.217.77:8898那裏的環境很棒, 真真正正做到與世隔絕
作者: Allen_0055    時間: 2012-6-26 03:16 AM

nice photo...我都好希望有機會去住下~
/ t, ?3 \5 [4 P7 j$ f" K2 @超級享受的說~~

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