太感人...世間上真的有這樣絶種好男人嗎!!作者: alvin 時間: 2006-7-6 03:52 AM
我会咁谂,但我唔会咁写咯作者: deyi_mizu 時間: 2006-7-6 04:21 AM
it's very good..i read this b4 la..haha..公仔箱論壇3 e6 l6 x0 D6 L! X- j$ b/ h0 J
there wont be guys now that would write these kinds of journal+ X9 Q$ Z# M; }3 y/ c/ o6 r
they extinct la..hehe作者: jeffreyhohoyuan 時間: 2006-7-6 02:02 PM
而家仲有d咁既人咩...............有就好啦~唉~作者: ThanksAll 時間: 2006-7-26 03:23 AM
好心人這個世界上是有的,但係好心的人總是不能與好心的人同生共死作者: 丁雪 時間: 2006-7-26 05:04 AM
嘩,而家仲有冇d咁好o既男人呀!?作者: lollerball 時間: 2006-7-26 09:10 AM
agree. But I don't think guys will put their feelings in a diary like that. They keep it inside their heart. At least for most of them I think.作者: cowjajackie 時間: 2006-7-26 07:43 PM
好感動作者: Jessi 時間: 2006-7-26 07:50 PM
this guy really so good !作者: livywong 時間: 2006-7-26 08:33 PM
日記.....其實是一種心靈的印記!!不是每一個人都有的......................作者: aryung930 時間: 2006-7-27 02:14 AM
會有這麼偉大的男人嗎?作者: hngtsai 時間: 2007-1-6 04:09 AM 標題: reply
that's another reminder!作者: 小龙 時間: 2007-1-10 10:47 AM
欲哭无泪作者: KcEhNoTw 時間: 2007-1-10 05:21 PM
但我是個幸福的人,能和所愛的人共渡一輩子,我不知道她到底愛不愛我,只擔心我有沒有耽誤她,使她錯過她真愛的那個人。」 3 C% \7 V- p9 W7 {+ ~* K1 gi like this line...i hope every1 can understand this meaning...作者: remringo 時間: 2007-1-10 06:10 PM