Yeah.... and what exactly is your point? What is it that you want people to do in response?
Seriously mate, all of your posts are about racists in Australia, if that's how you feel about this country ...
huit 發表於 2011-12-29 09:21 PM
In the original post, most of the sentences are grammatically incorrect. They seems to be poorly written. I think primary school student can write better than that.
Some how I am a bit sceptical on t ...
popoeliz 發表於 2012-1-4 06:49 PM
1.從來 ...
huit 發表於 2012-1-5 10:04 PM
Yeah.... and what exactly is your point? What is it that you want people to do in response?
Seriously mate, all of your posts are about racists in Australia, if that's how you feel about this country ...
huit 發表於 2011-12-29 09:21 PM
Look, the point is not abt racism in Australia, its about you Chinese people in Australia giving local white people those impressions.
bwk0317 發表於 2012-1-5 11:12 PM
asians are sick twisted slit eyed animals
asians have tiny peckers
asian women sell themselves to westerners for money, asian women are prostitutes by natural selection
asians are famous for producing most of the worlds shemales, this is probably because asian men are feminine skinny short sissies
fking chinks
斷章取義 - 誰?是我還是我轉貼文章的那個人?看來是你自己是非不分顛倒黑白而已。
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