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標題: [分享] 利物浦 - 歷史資料博物館 [打印本頁]

作者: chienwei7    時間: 2007-10-27 07:40 AM     標題: 利物浦 - 歷史資料博物館


約翰賀定 (John Houlding) 於1878年成立了利物浦的死對頭愛華頓,當時他是一個普通的商人,後來則是利物浦市的市長。起初愛華頓的主場是晏菲路,他們當時向球場的主人,亦是一間啤酒商老板的柯拉爾(John Orrell)借用球場,後來賀定還在球場建立了看台。然而,到了1892年,球隊出現內部分裂,一批人走到利物浦市另外一個球場葛迪遜公園,而賀定和一些球員則繼續留在晏菲路,並且改名為利物浦足球會(Liverpool Football Club)。賀定的朋友約翰麥堅拿(John McKennna)被委任為球會首任領隊,後來他走到蘇格蘭尋找球員。經過一年之後,麥堅拿認為是時候參加正式聯賽。

利物浦於1900-01年度首次奪得甲組聯賽冠軍,可惜他們於兩年後又再度降班。幸好他們降落乙組後再次奪得冠軍而升回甲組,為了報答球迷,主席決定興建一座名為 Spion Kop 的看台。1928年更擴大至可容納三萬人。


七年後,即1972/73年度,他們初嘗歐洲足協盃冠軍滋味,1973/74年,奪得第二次足總盃。之後辛奇利在74/75球季開始前突然辭去領隊職位,由他的副手皮士利(Bob Paisley)上任,但他並沒有令人失望,更於他上任第二年奪得聯賽及足協盃雙料冠軍。1976/77年度,他們差點奪取三料冠軍,奪得聯賽冠軍,再奪歐洲足協盃,可惜於足總盃決賽以一比二敗給曼聯。利物浦是英國第一支能夠蟬聯歐洲冠軍球會盃的球會,他們於1976/77及1977/78年度兩奪冠軍。由1975-1980年,利物浦合共五奪取聯賽冠軍,可謂一時無兩。1981年,他們首奪聯賽盃冠軍,更在歐洲冠軍球會盃擊敗皇家馬德里,第三次於歐洲稱王。1981-83年,利物浦再兩奪聯賽冠軍,皮士利光榮引退,於執教球會的九年生涯裡,他奪得六次最佳領隊。


1986年杜格利殊成為球會首位球員兼領隊,他任教的第一年即替球隊奪取聯賽及足總盃雙料冠軍。於1987/88年,他們再奪聯賽冠軍,可惜在足總盃爆冷敗給溫布頓﹐未能連續兩年奪得雙料冠軍。1988/89可算是利物浦歷史以來最悲痛的一季﹔於希斯堡球場舉行的足總盃準決賽,是由利物浦和當時的勁旅諾定咸森林對壘。賽事吸引了大量球迷到場。球場爆滿,但仍有很多人無法入場,由於當時的球場很多都是不設坐位的,看台的球迷你推我撞,後排球迷的向前推,將前面的球迷壓向圍欄,有些人身手好的,攀過圍欄,逃出生天,而有些不幸的就被活生生壓死。今次慘劇,造成九十六人死亡,千多人受傷。利物浦於重賽擊敗了森林,並且於決賽面對愛華頓,激戰百二分鐘終由魯殊奠定勝局。球迷於決賽前為死難者默衷一分鐘﹐更唱起"You'll Never Walk Alone"這首會歌。特別安排下,當年的聯賽決定性一戰少有地放在足總盃決賽之後,由於當時利物浦領先第二位的阿仙奴兩分,只要最後在主場不要淨負兩球便可成功奪魁;戰至比賽末段,阿仙奴仍然只領前一比零,但米高湯馬士的補時入球,另利物浦只能屈居亞軍。1991年杜格利殊在巨大壓力下請辭。
朗尼摩倫(Ronnie Moran)成為臨時領隊,1991年四月,桑拿士接任,他收購了很多球員,並且作出一些改革,在他嚴格的領導下,令他成為一個不討好的領隊,成績當然不理想。而今日球隊的問題,很多都是源自桑拿士的。




[ 本帖最後由 canz85 於 2007-10-27 08:08 AM 編輯 ]
作者: chienwei7    時間: 2007-10-27 07:41 AM

聯賽歷史 ~
1892 球會成立
1893 入選為乙組隊
1894-95 乙組
1896-04 甲組
1904-05 乙組
1905-54 甲組
1954-62 乙組
1962-92 甲組
1992- 超級聯賽

英格蘭頂級聯賽冠軍 十八次(全英格蘭最多)
1900-01 1905-06 1921-22
1922-23 1946-47 1963-64
1965-66 1972-73 1975-76
1976-77 1978-79 1979-80
1981-82 1982-83 1983-84
1985-86 1987-88 1989-90
(前稱慈善盾)  十五次
1966 1974
1976 1977*
1979 1980
1983 1986*
1988 1989
* 雙冠軍
英格蘭足總杯冠軍  七次
1965 1974
1986 1989
1992 2001
(前稱歐洲冠軍球會盃) 五次(全英格蘭最多) 1977 1978
1981 1984
2005 全英格蘭唯一能夠

歐洲超霸杯冠軍  三次(全英格蘭最多)
歐洲足協杯冠軍  三次(全英格蘭最多)
英格蘭聯賽杯冠軍  七次(全英格蘭最多)
1981 1982
1983 1984
1995 2001
青年足總杯冠軍 二次
1996 2006

英格蘭次級聯賽冠軍 四次
1893-94 1895-96
1904-05 1961-62
預備組聯賽冠軍 十六次
1956-59 1968-69 1969-70
1970-71 1972-73 1973-74
1974-75 1975-76 1976-77
1978-79 1980-81 1981-82
1983-84 1984-85 1989-90

[ 本帖最後由 canz85 於 2007-10-27 08:08 AM 編輯 ]
作者: chienwei7    時間: 2007-10-27 07:41 AM



二零零四年的夏天,前領隊侯利亞宣佈離職,紅軍迎來了西班牙著名的戰術大師賓尼迪斯為新任領隊。 新領隊接任後首屆賽季不但能成功帶領紅軍直闖入歐聯決賽,並且上演了歐聯五十年歷史上最扣人心弦的一場決賽。 紅軍上半場完場後落後AC米蘭0:3,卻在下半場短短六分鐘內連追三球,並且憑著互射十二碼氣走AC米蘭,一舉奪得第五次的歐冠獎盃,並且得以永久保留冠軍獎盃。


現時利物浦球會的聲勢比前更為強大,藉著新領隊賓尼迪斯及新隊長謝拉特的帶領下。大家上下一心繼續發揚"You'll Never Walk Alone" 的精神,希望「紅軍」能振翅高飛,在足球歷史上再寫下另一新頁。

最多代表國家球員  杜格里殊(蘇格蘭,102次)

最多代表球隊上陣  卡拉謹(1959年至1978年,843次)
最多入球球員  魯殊(335球)

最多聯賽入球球員  羅渣亨打(240球)
一季入球最多球員  羅渣亨打(41球,1961至62球季)
最大聯賽勝仗  利物浦 10:1 諾富咸
最大杯賽勝仗  利物浦 11:0 Stromgodset Drammen
最大作客勝仗  史篤城 0:8 利物浦

支付轉會費紀錄   2650萬英鎊,收購費蘭度托利斯(2007年)

收取轉會費紀錄  1100萬英鎊,賣出科拿(2001年)


1945-1947 費根 (Willie Fagan)
1947-1950 布馬 (Jack Balmer)
1950-1953 菲臘‧泰萊 (Phil Taylor)
1953-1954 鐘斯 (Bill Jones)
1954-1955 曉士 (Laurie Hughes)
1955-1958 列度爾 (Billy Liddell)
1958-1959 (Johny Wheeler)
1959-1960 朗尼‧摩倫 (Ronnie Moran)
1960-1961 (Dick White)
1961-1970 耶斯 (Ron Yeats)
1970-1973 湯美‧史密夫 (Tommy Smith)
1973-1979 曉士 (Emlyn Hughes)
1979-1982 菲臘‧湯臣 (Phil Thompson)
1982-1984 格林美‧桑拿士 (Graeme Souness)
1984-1985 菲臘‧尼路 (Phil Neal)
1985-1988 阿倫‧漢臣 (Alan Hansen)
1988-1989 朗尼‧韋倫 (Ronnie Whelan)
1989-1990 阿倫‧漢臣 (Alan Hansen)
1990-1991 朗尼‧韋倫 (Ronnie Whelan)
1990-1991 史提夫‧尼高 (Steve Nicol)
1991-1993 麥克‧胡禮 (Mark Wright)
1993-1996 伊恩‧魯殊 (Ian Rush)
1996-1997 約翰‧班尼斯 (John Barnes)
1997-1999 保羅‧恩斯 (Paul Ince)
1999-2002 占美‧列納 (Jamie Redknapp)
2001-2003 森美‧希比亞 (Sami Hyypia)
2003- 史提芬‧謝拉特 (Steven Gerrard)

[ 本帖最後由 canz85 於 2007-10-27 08:09 AM 編輯 ]
作者: chienwei7    時間: 2007-10-27 07:41 AM


          一 九 八 九 年 四 月 十 五 日 ﹐ 是 英 格 蘭 足 總 盃 準 決 賽 ﹐ 利 物 浦 對 森 林 的 日 子 ﹐ 但 從 來 沒 有 人 會 想 到 , 這 天 亦 是 九 十 六 名 球 迷 的 遇 難 日 。
由 於 利 物 浦 和 森 林 都 是 當 時 英 格 蘭 的 勁 旅 ﹐ 賽 事 吸 引 了 大 量 球 迷 入 場 。 全 場 爆 滿 ﹐ 座 無 虛 席 ﹐ 但 仍 有 很 多 人 無 法 進 場 。 由 於 當 時 的 球 場 看 台 很 多 都 是 不 設 坐 位 的 ﹐ 看 台 上 的 球 迷 你 推 我 撞 ﹐ 後 排 球 迷 的 向 前 推 ﹐ 將 前 面 的 球 迷 壓 向 圍 欄 ﹐ 有 些 人 身 手 好 的 ﹐ 攀 過 圍 欄 ﹐ 逃 出 生 天 ﹐ 最 後 圍 欄 也 倒 塌 下 來 ﹐ 走 不 及 的 九 十 多 名 球 迷 ﹐ 就 被 活 生 生 壓 死 和 踩 死 。

今 次 慘 劇 ﹐ 造 成 九 十 六 人 死 亡 ﹐ 千 多 人 受 傷 ﹐ 令 到 一 個 本 來 只 會 帶 來 一 邊 球 迷 因 球 隊 失 去 決 賽 權 而 悲 傷 的 日 子 ﹐ 變 成 全 世 界 人 都 痛 心 疾 首 的 日 子 。





結果歐洲足協判罰所有英格蘭球會禁止參加歐洲三大盃賽五年,利物浦於七十至八十年代的歐洲霸業終於要劃上休止符。而發生慘劇的希素球場(Heysel Stadium),後來更被易名為帝王球場 (Stade Roi Baudouin),即是2002年歐洲國家盃比利時三場初賽的主場,而這個球場至今都沒有再上演過任何一場球會級賽事,只作為比利時國家隊的主場。


晏菲路球場最初為同巿愛華頓足球會的主場,及後在一八九二年球場擁有人荷 定收回,並成立了利物浦足球會。在一九九五年,英格蘭友賽瑞典便在晏菲路球場上演;一九九六年歐洲國家杯,晏菲路球場更成為其中一個重要比賽場地,上演分組賽跟半準決賽賽事。二零零一年因國家隊主場溫布來球場因重建關係,晏菲路舉辦了世盃外圍賽英格蘭對芬蘭,賽後英格蘭足總大大讚賞晏菲路當日的表現。
晏菲路球場容量現為全英第六大。因晏菲路再擴 建的可行性不大,現時利物浦有計劃在晏菲路附近的史丹尼公園球場興建新主場,初步計劃可容立七萬人,現有待巿政府通過興建。

英國老牌勁旅利物浦的晏菲路球場,論觀眾容量及不上巴西的馬拉瓜拉球場,論設備完善亦及不上溫布萊,但論知 名度,它卻擁有一個知名的企位看台------史派安高普(Spion Kop)看台,過去30年來一直為世人所熟知。

史派安高普看台早在本世紀初已經建成,逐步變成一個充 滿色彩.熱鬧和友好氣氛的地方,但這個看台之名聲大 振,只是60年代辛奇利(Bill Shankly)接任領隊之後的事 。

1906年,當利物浦第二次奪得聯賽冠軍之後,會方決 定重建主看台,當時身兼利物浦郵報和回聲報體育編輯的 愛華士(Ernest Edwards)提議將看台命名為史派安高普,以紀 念在保亞戰爭(Boer War)陣亡的利物浦士兵,這個提議獲得 廣泛接納,很多其他球場亦採用這個名稱 。

1959年12月1日對於利物浦對於高普看台都是一個 重要的日子,辛奇利正式接掌利物浦球會,亦開創這支班 霸球隊前所未有的雄霸年代,高普看台亦在這時候聲名鵲 起,成為60年代利物浦市充滿活力的文化特質中一個獨 特的組成部分.高普看台上開始見到意大利式的旗海和聽 到模仿"披頭四"的音樂.取自本地組合Gerry& ThePeace- mokers的歌曲"你永不會獨自上路"(You'll never walk alone)亦 成為高普看台的主題曲。

在三萬人的超巨型合唱團歌頌下,利物浦的著名球星簡直 被捧到像神一樣,例如羅渣享特(Roger Hunt).奇雲基(Kevin Keegan)杜格利殊(Kenny Dalglish)和魯殊(Ian Rush)等等都一 度成為高普之王.如果說這些球星都受到高普球迷的擁戴 的話,辛奇利就恰好相反,他愛護球迷,球迷們都心裏明 白.儘管有人認為高普球迷經常惹怒球證,但作客晏菲路 的客軍門將會有不同感受,因為每當他們出場熱身的時候 ,高普球迷都會報以欣賞的掌聲。

不過世事輪流,隨著利物浦結束雄霸球壇的歲月,高普球 迷亦要唱出最後一曲.94年5月30日,高普看台向全世界告別,因為根據著名的"Taylor Report"的建議,所有超 級聯賽球會主場都要在95年改為全座位。

不善忘的球迷應該記得,這份歷史性的檢討報告是89年 希斯堡路慘劇之後而寫的.當年4月15日,利物浦和諾 定咸森林在希斯堡路球場進行足總杯準決賽,由於球迷過 於擠湧,結果導迷致互相踐踏造成96人死亡的悲劇,高普球迷亦有不少在那次事件中死傷。


[ 本帖最後由 canz85 於 2007-10-27 08:09 AM 編輯 ]
作者: canz85    時間: 2007-11-7 05:27 PM






靴室(Boot Room),只是安菲尔德主看台下一个简陋的小房间,但正是在这方寸之地,一群

























香克利年代  1959 – 1974














作者: 假書僮    時間: 2007-11-19 08:04 PM     標題: The Liverpool FC Badge

The club crest has changed a number of times over the years. Not only did the club logo change on the club kit but often other logos appeared from time to time following cup success or more recently for club merchandising. Below are various scans of the badge over time.

After the Reds won their 5th European Cup in Istanbul in 2005 the Reds were awarded the UEFA badge of distinction. Only teams who have won 5 or more trophies OR three in a row can wear this badge.

The original THIS IS ANFIELD' sign from the ground. These days the liver bird has altered a little but the sign was first introduced by Shanks to remind teams exactly where they had come too.

This of course is the current badge used at the club with the two justice flames either side of the badge. The flame has altered slightly in the last few years as you can see from the badge below.

The introduction of the Jusice flames saw a slight change in the badge from the centenary season and since then little has changed.

This club badge was used to celebrate the club's centenary in 1992 and was common throughout the club with only the various colours changing on some products.

This badge through various colours was used by the club for years although not always on the kit. It is this badge which forms the basis of todays badge.

This badge was used following the club's success in 1985-86 when they won the double and incorporates the Crown Paints sponsors logo

This logo was brought out purely for merchandising purposes. It appeared for around a year before disappearing again.

One of the more original club crests this was actually used on the cover of the 1981 European Cup Final programme.

A merchandising logo used for the younger generation of fans by Reebok.

The current logo was adapted when the LFC Academy opened and used on all buildings there.

作者: canz85    時間: 2008-1-3 10:26 PM

50 Hell’s angels, February 26, 2002

There was plenty of apprehension for any British fans going to Istanbul in the early years of this decade. After all, two Leeds United fans were stabbed to death in 2000 before playing Galatasaray and the locals’ ‘Welcome to Hell’ banners had sent shivers down Manchester United spines. However, Liverpool’s visit to Gala in the second Champions League group was different. The visiting fans’ approach was summed up with a banner; “Welcome to hell my arse. If you think this is hell, try the Grafton on a Friday night.”

The Grafton is a nightclub, famous for ‘grab-a-granny’ nights, where innocent young scallies find themselves at the mercy of predatory Liverpool divorcees. But the attitude was perfect: no fear, no aggressive confrontation and a slice of humour. It sums up the best attributes of the modern Liverpool fan. And, since then, every time the Reds have played in Istanbul, the local supporters have joined their party. And this is the essence of this list. The culture of football is about more than players and managers – in ten years, most of them will have moved on. It exists and grows through the supporters as much as the team.

49 John Houlding creates an alehouse team, March 15, 1892

The strict Methodists who formed St Domingo FC – later Everton - were never going to get on with the brewer who ran the club from the Sandon pub. Houlding owned Anfield and argued with his colleagues over the rent and their refusal to sell his sparkling ale at the ground. When the schism occurred, Everton decamped from Anfield as reigning champions, Houlding formed a new club, Liverpool. Without Houlding, we might all support a little club and have serious thirsts…

48 Red all over, November 1, 1964

Bill Shankly had a brainwave – to discard the team’s white shorts and wear all red. He chose Ron Yeats for his experiment. After training, Big Ron was sent to put on new shorts. Shankly liked what he saw: “Christ son, you look about seven foot tall, we’re going to play in all-red from now on.” Every player grew a few inches when they listened to Shankly and dressed in red. Another small step on the path to greatness.

47 First post war champions, 1947

If ever a city need a boost after the Second World War, it was Liverpool. Bombed heavily, the city was in ruins and short of supplies. The team wasn’t though. Billy Liddell provided Jackie Balmer and Albert Stubbins with the ammunition to shoot the Reds to the top with a team fit for heroes.

46 Red Stars and falling stars, autumn 1973

Fresh from winning the Uefa Cup and the title, Shankly went into the 1973-74 European Cup campaign with high hopes. Red Star Belgrade showed Liverpool how far they had to go to be successful, however. The side from what was then Yugoslavia snuffed the Anfield challenge out at the first hurdle, winning both legs 2-1. It was time for more creative thinking from Shankly. He realised that a traditional British centre half like Larry Lloyd, who played in both legs, was a liability in Europe. Lloyd was soon on his way out of Anfield, replaced by the more ball-literate Phil Thompson and Liverpool were back on the path to glory. The hapless Lloyd would eventually get his consolation – two European Cup medals with Nottingham Forest

45 Howard Gayle in Munich, 1981

Bayern had come to Anfield, got a 0-0 draw in the semi-final of the European Cup and headed home to plan the trip to the final in Paris. Things got worse in the second leg of the Bavarian capital when Kenny Dalglish was injured in the first 10 minutes. On came Gayle, the club’s first black player of the modern age, bringing some Liverpool 8 attitude with him. Bayern kicked him, he kicked back – harder - and, when his heroic performance was finished and he was substituted, the German side were in trouble. Ray Kennedy scored late to finish them off and though the home side levelled the score, Liverpool were through.

44 Watford 1 Liverpool 0, FA Cup sixth round, February 21, 1970

The 1960s had been good to Merseyside. The Beatles ruled the world and Liverpool were on the rise. By 1970, the Fab Four were gone and it looked the same fate for Shankly’s team when they were humiliated by Watford, who were struggling a division below Liverpool. But Shanks knew how to change his tune: out went Ian St John, Ron Yeats, Roger Hunt and Tommy Lawrence – the old stagers. In came Kevin Keegan, Steve Heighway, Larry Lloyd and Ray Clemence. The 70s were looking up, suddenly.

43 Robbie Fowler’s protest, Liverpool v Brann, Cup-Winners’ Cup quarter-final, March 20,1997

“It may seem strange and even unfair..." Too bloody right. Even Uefa knew in its statement that it was wrong to fine Fowler £900 after he displayed a shirt supporting sacked Liverpool dockers while celebrating his second goal in a 3-0 win. Through the dark days of the 1990s, as football players lost their link with the fan on the terraces, Fowler remained one of us. Would Shankly have done it? Yes. It is not only goals we remember. Incidentally, Fowler was also banned for a goal celebration that mimicked drug-taking. Paul Merson was lauded for admitting taking real drugs. Strange. Unfair.

42 Kop takes shape, 1906

A mound of earth on Walton Breck Road was created for the growing numbers of fans to watch the team. It was called the ‘Spion Kop’ after a battle in the Boer War six years earlier. It was not the only Kop – low hill in Afrikaans – nor the first. But it would become the greatest.

41 Wimbledon 1 Liverpool 0, FA Cup Final, May 14, 1988

The pinnacle of Wimbledon’s climb from non-League to Cup winners will be remembered as long as football is played. And yet the victory would have had less resonance had the opposition been any other side. Liverpool were arguable the best team in Europe and played like it until Peter Beardsley had a goal disallowed by the referee, Brian Hill, who awarded the subsequent foul against Wimbledon. Still, funny how we’re there for the historic moments.

40 Take it as red we’re Liverpool, 1899

After the break with Everton, the new club in the city wore blue-and-white halved shirts. Then, just as the 19th century came to an end, Liverpool adoped red shirts – Everton switched from pink to blue. Shortly after, the Reds took the Liver Bird, the symbol of the city, as part of the badge. The die was cast and there would never be a need for a ‘People’s Club’ style rebranding of the team associated with the city.

39 The American take over at Anfield, March 28, 2007

After months of uncertainty, George Gillett and Tom Hicks confirmed their takeover of the club. Those who expected Glazer-style protests were confounded. The fans are welcoming, if cautious – as long as the new boys don’t mess with the traditions of the club.

38 Dalglish resigns, February 22, 1991

Sir Alex Ferguson, with characteristic obscenity, says his greatest achievement is “knocking Liverpool off their f****** perch”. When Kenny Dalglish resigned as manager after Liverpool threw away a quartet of leads in the 4-4 draw with Everton in the FA Cup, the team were top of the league. Dalglish left, emotionally in tatters, another victim of Hillsborough. Manchester United filled the vacuum created by tragedy, that’s all. But expecting humility from Ferguson is too much. Grim years loomed ahead.

37 Panorama, 1964

The Kop had been making a big noise for some time, but it came to the nation’s attention with the BBC’s Panorama featured the crowd singing on a programme called ‘The Other Mersey Sound’. Afterwards, the whole nation wanted to be like the Kop. Why wouldn’t they? After all, any terrace that could sing ‘Anyone who ever had a heart’ and ‘She loves you’ like that... The Kop rocks.

36 Liverpool 1 AC Milan 2, Champions League final, Athens, May 23, 2007

Mass bunk-ins and ticket snatching hit the headlines in the aftermath of defeat but, while the glare of publicity focused on the minority of wrongdoers, the massed body of Liverpool support stood, almost to a man, and applauded Milan on their lap of honour with the Cup. William Gaillard had obviously nipped back inside to get the prawn sandwiches while this was going on.

35 Liverpool 3 Borussia Mönchengladbach 0, Uefa Cup final, first leg, May 10, 1973

The game kicked off on May 9 and, with the German side looking comfortable after 27 minutes, the match was abandoned after a torrential rain storm. The next night it was 10p at the gate on the terraces and Shankly had noticed the opposition’s weakness in the air. John Toshack, who had been left out 24 hours previously, was selected and caused havoc. Liverpool took a three-goal lead to Germany – just as well, as Mönchengladbach won 2-0 in the second leg.

34 The end of an era, July 12, 1974

The unthinkable news shocked the city. Shankly had resigned. People wept on the streets while the great man gave a strangely composed press conference to announce his departure. A sad day but Shankly’s spirit would never leave the club.

33 1978-79

Where do you start with a season like this? The 7-0 rout of Tottenham Hotspur at Anfield? The 3-0 victory at Old Trafford? One of the finest teams ever to play in England cruised to the title with crushing dominance. Four defeats, 85 goals scored and a mere 16 against. Ah, but Arsene Wenger’s Invincibles went a season unbeaten in 2003-04, you say. But did they have the European champions in the division? A stunning year in more competitive times.

32 Liverpool 1 FC Bruges 0, European Cup final, May 10, 1978

Not much of a spectacle but doubling the tally of European Cups meant a great deal to fans of the Reds. And it made a point to Kevin Keegan, who had left Anfield the previous summer “for the challenge” and joined SV Hamburg. “What greater challenge,” Kenny Dalglish, who arrived from Celtic to take over Keegan’s No7 shirt, asked, “is there than to retain the European Cup?” By the time Kenny jumped the advertising hoardings to celebrate his winning goal, Keegan was long forgotten.

31 John Barnes signs, July 19, 1987

There was some resentment among Liverpool fans when the club was linked with Barnes. The knee-jerk reaction was to assume it was a matter of race. It wasn’t. Barnes had flirted with Arsenal when Dalglish’s interest was clear and there was a general feeling that the Watford winger did not want to come to Anfield. All doubts disappeared when the Kop saw him play. Part of a team – alongside Peter Beardsley and John Aldridge up front - that rivalled the great Liverpool sides.

30 Liverpool 5 Alaves 4, Uefa Cup final, Dortmund, May 16, 2001

After such a long time off the big European stage, it was only fitting that Liverpool should renew their trophy-winning ways in such dramatic style. On the perfect stage, Dortmund’s Westfalenstadion, Markus Babbel’s golden goal in a see-sawing match to add the Uefa Cup to a knockout treble of the FA Cup and League Cup. The travelling Kop were back in Europe in big numbers. The way “You’ll never walk alone” resonated around the best football stadium in the world created one of the game’s great sounds.

29 Shankly’s first title, 1964

Promoted in 1962, Shankly was never one to sit around mid-table, especially with Everton winning the league in the Reds’ first year back in the top flight. His ambition was to create a ‘bastion of invincibility’ at Anfield and the plan was coming to fruition. Manchester United, the main challengers, were beaten 3-0 on Merseyside in March and Arsenal were walloped 5-0 to seal the trophy. Five years after arriving at the club, Shankly was ready to take on Europe.

28 How to handle defeat, 1971

On the train back from London after losing to Arsenal in the FA Cup Final, Shankly asked Brian Hall, a university graduate: “Who’s that chairman with the red book.” Hall was bemused. “You know, in China.”

“Mao,” Hall said and Shankly changes the subject. When they arrived in Liverpool, Shankly addressed the crowds waiting outside the Town Hall. After praising their support and behaviour at Wembley, he surveyed the crowd with pride. “Even Chairman Mao has never seen such a display of Red strength,” he crowed. You still wonder why we’d follow him anywhere?

27 Athens ticket fiasco

Nothing could shake Liverpool supporters’ loyalty. At least that was the theory until the club allocated tickets for the Champions League final this year. Thousands of season-ticket holders were left disappointed by the bizarre distribution method and fewer tickets than expected appeared to reach the fans. Rick Parry, the chief executive, exacerbated the problem by refusing “to play the numbers game”. The mess prompted a protest march and anger. Banners complaining about the allocation have since been suppressed at Anfield. So much for the 12th man.

26 Liverpool 0 Everton 0, League Cup final, March 25, 1984

During the dark days of Thatcherism, a match in London was as much a political statement as a football trip. Thousands of ski-hatted Scousers, Blue and Red, disgorged from trains into Euston station singing in support of the Miners and Liverpool’s Militant Council. Scouse power in action.

25 Liverpool 2 Leeds United 1, FA Cup Final, May 1, 1965

A year earlier, the Shankly revolution had delivered the title, but Liverpool were still the poor relations in the city. Everton, the Mersey Millionaires, still had notions of superiority. The stick that they used to beat their Kopite neighbours was that Liverpool had never won the FA Cup. On May Day the Cup came home to Anfield, courtesy of goals from Roger Hunt and Ian St John. The balance of power had shifted on Merseyside for ever.

24 Liverpool 1 Real Madrid 0, European Cup final, May 27, 1981, Paris

To really play with the big boys, you need at least three European Cups. After all, small clubs can win two – Nottingham Forest, FC Porto, Manchester United. This was the hat-trick in the Parc des Princes, against one of those big boys. Alan Kennedy completed the job with a late goal at a time when no team in Europe relished playing Liverpool.

23 Replacement on the cheap. Dalglish signs, August 10, 1977

Kevin Keegan leaves for £500,000. In comes Kenny Dalglish for £440,000. A player like that and money left over? Deal of the century. Genius from Bob Paisley in buying the greatest player to grace Anfield.

22 Celtic v Liverpool, April 30, 1989

The first game after Hillsborough was a friendly in the truest sense of the word. Instead of selling Liverpool fans tickets in a block, Celtic spead them all around Parkhead in small groups, without any segregation. Liverpool won 4-0 but nobody cared. When the whole ground sang You’ll Never Walk Alone at the end, everybody in the stadium cried. Those who lack faith in football fans should have been there that day.

21 The Kop fights back

The game is becoming increasingly globalised with foreign ownership and fans from all corners of the world but, worried about the dilution of Liverpool values, a group of supporters got together to create a movement devoted to protecting the soul of the club. Reclaim The Kop started on January 1 this year and aims to educate newcomers to supporting Liverpool in our ways and keep our culture distinctive. A force for the good in the 21st century and the first wave in a new fans’ movement.

20 Juventus 0 Liverpool 0, Champions League quarter-final, second leg, April 13, 2005

A flashpoint game. At Anfield the Juventus Ultras showed their contempt for Liverpool’s apologies for Heysel by turning the back on the conciliatory mosaic. There followed dark threats about vendettas in Italy. The second leg looked as if there was bound to be trouble. However, the Liverpool fans in Italy kept a low profile and behaved almost impeccably. The match ended in a 0-0 draw, which sent Liverpool through after their 2-1 victory at Anfield. But, more importantly, there was no violence. The best result.

19 Everton 0 Liverpool 5

“And we played the Toffees for a laugh and left them feeling blue, 5-0!” A glorious day at Goodison. The home side, with Glen Keeley on loan from Blackburn Rovers playing in defence, could not match a rampaging Liverpool side. Dalglish tormented Keeley for 20 minutes until he was sent off and then Ian Rush ran wild, scoring four. A day still celebrated in song whenever Reds get together.

18 Emlyn Hughes’ magic touch, May 1977

Back from Rome with the European Cup, the players, er, celebrated. When he rose to address the crowd Hughes appeared a touch unsteady on his feet. Carrying an injury, no doubt. “I want you to sing a song,” he said. “Liverpool are magic, Everton are tragic.” It was, indeed, the soberest of notions and, recognising that, the red hordes sang it back. Meanwhile, Terry McDermott, more ahead of his time than Martin Peters – 30 years in fact – was answering the call of nature and splashing a group of nurses. The next time they ask for a day’s slice of a footballer’s salary, we’ll send Terry round.

17 Liverpool 3 FC Bruges 2, Uefa Cup final first leg, April 28, 1976

Another of the great comebacks. Two down in the first 12 minutes, Liverpool looked out of it for an hour as the Kop built up a head of steam. Then, in a wild five minutes, Liverpool shot into the lead with Ray Kennedy, Jimmy Case scored before a Kevin Keegan penalty sealed victory. The Reds were one down to an early goal in the second leg, too, before Keegan equalised from a free kick. Europe learnt early that you can’t relax when in front against Liverpool.

16 Liverpool 1 Chelsea 0, Champions League semi-final, second leg, Anfield, May 1, 2007

They’d seen it all before. This time Chelsea would be ready. Surely. Er, no. The Anfield storm blew Jose Mourinho’s team away, again. They were lucky to take the match to penalties as the other three sides of the ground joined the Kop in creating a hurricane of noise.

15 Wolverhampton Wanderers 1 Liverpool 3, May 4, 1976

The Black Country has seen nothing like it. Untold thousands of Liverpool supporters descended on Molineux in anticipation of seeing the victory that would secure the title. Wolves, fighting relegation, had other thoughts, with John Richards giving them a lead that lasted 75 minutes. But the relentless pressure wore the home side down and, just when safety looked in sight for Wolves, John Toshack equalised. Kevin Keegan got a second and Ray Kennedy provided the icing on the cake. Thousands of Scousers poured on to the pitch to celebrate. Soon they would be invading Europe in similar numbers.

14 Liverpool 1 AS Roma 1 (Liverpool win on penalties), European Cup final, May 30, 1984

A night of great tension and violence, remembered by the television audience for Bruce Grobbelaar’s crazy-legged bravado during the penalty shootout and by those who were in Rome for the sustained assault on Liverpool fans before and after the match, events barely reported in Britain. A day that showed how ugly European football could be. It would get worse.

13 Last day of the Kop, April 30, 1994

The terraces were about to become history at Anfield but the Kop had one last fling when Norwich City arrived for the final day of the season. Designated a ‘Flag Day,’ the old terrace rocked like on the great nights as the game went on barely noticed in front of a full house. An era was ending but, in the vibrancy of the flags and banners, a new age was starting. The ethos of the Kop could not be as easily demolished as those concrete steps

12 Liverpool 3 Everton 2, FA Cup Final, May 20, 1989

What should have been a festive occasion was overshadowed by events five weeks earlier. An exciting match but better remembered for the collective sadness of a city. 'Abide With Me' sung in a Scouse accent was a first – normally it was only our own communal songs - and the eeriness of the minute’s silence, broken only by the cackle of police radios, lives in the mind longer than the action on the pitch.

11 Liverpool 3 Everton 1, FA Cup Final, May 10, 1986

A year earlier, Kenny Dalglish had taken over as manager amid the debris of Heysel. Seven days before the first all-Merseyside Cup Final, the player-manager had scored the only goal against Chelsea to take the title from under Everton’s noses. Now, on a frenzied day in the old stadium, Everton took the lead and Liverpool looked about to disintegrate when Jim Beglin and Bruce Grobbelaar squared up. Then Jan Molby took over, Ian Rush scored twice and the Double was secured. And the trains, coaches, minibuses and cars rolled northwards still decked in red and blue with little hint of trouble. Sadly, it could not happen now.

10 Johnny Todd at Anfield, Liverpool v Toulouse, August 28, 2007

You know it as the Z-Cars theme. It is the song that Everton run out to at Goodison Park. It is anathema across Stanley Park. When 11-year-old Rhys Jones was shot, the city was appalled. At Anfield, they showed their respect for the young Evertonian – and the anger at the killers – by playing his team’s song. Driven by Tony Barrett, a local journalist, the ensuing show of Scouse solidarity at once moved and inspired pride.

9 Heysel, May 29, 1985

Drunks, anger, charges, dead bodies. A sickening night, forever shrouded in a fog of tear gas and fear. Uefa’s choice of stadium set up a disaster, Liverpool fans did the rest. A night few can look back on with pride. A low point.

8 Liverpool 1 Chelsea 0, Champions League semi-final, second leg, Anfield, May 3, 2005

After a 0-0 draw at Stamford Bridge, Jose Mourinho brought his side north confident that they would reach Istanbul. That was until they met the wall of noise waiting at Anfield. After four minutes, Liverpool were up by a disputed Luis Garcia goal that Chelsea claimed did not cross the line. Did the crowd’s ferocity influence the referee and linesman? Only they know but anyone who was there as the six minutes of stoppage time ticked away knows the meaning of the word atmosphere.

7 Winning and losing, 1989

Seconds to go at Anfield and another double looming. Although the team are 1-0 down to Arsenal, unless the London club score a second, then the title is coming home. Then Michael Thomas gets the run of the ball, get clear through on goal and delivers the championship to Highbury in the final seconds of the season. Anfield is stunned into silence. Then, a voice says: “You know what? Worse things happen. We know.” Two months on from Hillsborough, thousands of voices said the same thing around the ground and no tears were shed for a losing team. Arsenal and their fans were visibly shocked by their reception.

6 Liverpool 3 St Etienne 1, European Cup quarter final, 1977

Things were going so well. Just 1-0 down from the away leg, Kevin Keegan evened the game up in the first minute. The place exploded – the gates had been locked more than an hour before kick-off and the anticipation had been building. Then things got tight and, after half-time, when Fabien Bathenay scored from distance, everything seemed to be going wrong. Ray Kennedy lifted hopes with a headed goal but, with 10 minutes left, Liverpool were out on away goals. Enter David Fairclough, supersub. With six minutes left, Kennedy knocked the ball long. It seemed that the rake-thin Fairclough could neither outrace the St Etienne defence, nor stay on his feet as the centre half bundled into him. Yet he did, and struck the ball towards the goal. It seemed to bobble yet it found the net. Chaos. The roof almost came off the Kop. The old ground would not shake like this until Chelsea arrived nearly three decades later.

5 Truth Day, Liverpool v Arsenal, FA Cup third round, January 6, 2007

Kelvin McKenzie, short of publicity, decided to recycle his Hillsborough lies. The BBC, mistaking bombast for opinion, decided to give the man an outlet on television. The Kop responded by spending the first six minutes of this BBC-televised tie standing up and displaying a mosaic saying: The Truth. During this time – the game at Hillsborough was six minutes old before it was stopped – the crowd chanted ‘Justice for the 96’. The teams, reduced to bit-part players, wandered around the pitch unnoticed. It was a protest the like of which has never been seen before at a football ground and, watching, I have never been prouder.

4 Liverpool 3 Borussia Mönchengladbach 1, European Cup final, Rome, May 25, 1977

They came every way they could to the Eternal City, more that 20,000 fanatics, some taking a nightmare five-day train journey that would today provoke a human-rights lawsuit. What they saw was an immense performance from Kevin Keegan against a fine German side, stunning goals from local boys Terry McDermott and Tommy Smith to set up a victory that was sealed by a Phil Neal penalty. They danced in the streets and fountains and waved those red chequered flags with glee. European adventures come no better.

3 Half-time, Liverpool v AC Milan, European Cup final, Istanbul, May 25, 2005

“That’s it. Game over,” Andy Gray said, unable to keep the tone of satisfaction out of his voice. Of course, no one in the Ataturk could hear the television commentary but, at 3-0 down as the break loomed, Liverpool looked beaten. Then, with the players trooped down the tunnel, someone started singing You’ll Never Walk Alone. It started hesitantly, with an undertone of anger, but suddenly turned into the ultimate assertion of culture and belief. When it finished, the tension had lifted and the 40,000 Liverpool fans were no longer broken and defeated, even if the team was. Did this act of faith inspire the subsequent comeback from the team? If it didn’t, they don’t have a shred of soul between them.

2 Bill Shankly arrives, December 1, 1959

The man from Glenbuck came to Anfield, via Huddersfield Town, to find a club in almost terminal decline. Mired in the second tier for five years, Liverpool were going nowhere. “Quite a character,” the local paper mused. But it was a little bit more than that. This was year zero: nothing would ever be the same again. In the book Here We Go Gathering Cups in May, John Maguire, one of the writers, says: “Who knows what type of person I’d be now if that Scottish fella hadn’t walked into Anfield on a cold December day in 1959…” Maguire was not even born when Shankly left the club, but he understands his legacy. It would be a perfect ending if this was the most important moment to Liverpool fans. If only.

1 April 15, 1989. Hillsborough

First the objections. Why is this more important than Heysel? It is not a case of one set of dead being more valued than another. People were called to account for Heysel – not enough, sure, but an attempt was made to apportion responsibility. People were jailed, the Belgian government held an inquiry. Officials lost their jobs. There was justice of sorts. That disaster would not have happened without the dreadful behaviour of Liverpool fans. We accept that. It was a peculiar set of circumstances that, removing any one link in a causal chain, could have been avoided.

Hillsborough was different. It could have happened to anyone – ask Tottenham Hotspur fans, who had a lucky escape when they played Wolves in 1981.

But it happened to us and, instead of trying to get to the bottom of the problem and ensure the safety of fans, those charged with the protection of the public found it easier to blacken the name of innocent supporters – a libel that lingers on today. The consequences linger with the lies – the lack of standing, the prohibitive ticket prices. And knowing the sectarian nature of football support and its uncritical biases, it was easy to convince people that we stole from our own dead and urinated on the bodies and the police. Would you do it? Then why are you happy to believe I did. This was not just Liverpool’s disaster, it was all supporters’ disaster. And no game worth 96 bodies – or 39. The most important moment in our history. Let’s hope the 96 get justice one day, then maybe it will be knocked off the top.

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作者: evahoney88    時間: 2012-3-14 09:45 AM

You'll Never Walk Alone
作者: stephen1681    時間: 2013-10-19 07:52 PM

You'll never walk alone!!

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