人物的感情也没有那么细腻.... D" \* L# b0 K7 t
故事情节相比起来,很空洞,不吸引...公仔箱論壇; D9 ?. e! [7 p3 o
感 ...
xxxevolutionxxx 發表於 2011-10-27 05:25 PM
法證, 法醫去查案應該是從第一輯就已經開始了. 真奇怪為甚麼現在的觀眾好像突然才發覺法醫, 法證去查案. M2 r2 [9 ?! N/ e- ]( |
從第一集開始, Pro Sir 跟 Dr Chung 都只對警察提供意見, 縮小警察搜查範圍, 還真不見到他們學警察那樣去查 ...
superbasara 發表於 2011-10-28 12:32 PM
法證, 法醫去查案應該是從第一輯就已經開始了. 真奇怪為甚麼現在的觀眾好像突然才發覺法醫, 法證去查案.
從第一集開始, Pro Sir 跟 Dr Chung 都只對警察提供意見, 縮小警察搜查範圍, 還真不見到他們學警察那樣去查 ...
superbasara 發表於 2011-10-28 12:32 PM [url=redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=34466330&ptid=1735044][/url]
Frankly speaking,I watch the Forensic Heroes II again before I watch the current one and I understand why LZ will say this drama is worse than the previous two sets. I think that's because,there are less action scenes in the current set as compared to the previous two sets.[url=redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=34466330&ptid=1735044][/url]
i totally disagreed with your comments.. to me, the movie is pretty good.. though it is different sets of actors and actress, you guys should be accepting new things.. we can't always based on the exi ...
annielje 發表於 2011-10-29 11:09 AM
i totally disagreed with your comments.. to me, the movie is pretty good.. though it is different sets of actors and actress, you guys should be accepting new things.. we can't always based on the exi ...
annielje 發表於 2011-10-29 11:09 AM
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