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標題: [旅遊景點] SEYCHELLES-The Paradise of the Sea & Sun [打印本頁]

作者: kimmi8k    時間: 2011-5-23 10:02 AM     標題: SEYCHELLES-The Paradise of the Sea & Sun

本帖最後由 civicboy1969 於 2011-5-23 04:06 PM 編輯
; E9 _& k# z+ j8 ]5 ?' y; a公仔箱論壇
, j4 u* {3 n' \9 D3 CNorth Island - Seychelles Islands, Indian Ocean                  
' {3 K& A7 ~$ N* y% ^, o公仔箱論壇  J- G. H4 S" c' B/ |
North Island is a sanctuary for its guests - those who seek an unspoiled tropical haven of peace and tranquility.  With       its four beaches, located at each end of the compass, and the small number of guests accommodated at any time, the island ensures a private and wonderful tropical beach and island experience. North Island is outside of the cyclone belt of the Indian Ocean, making it a safe and enjoyable year-round destination. F! `1 i3 t" V  R& q3 d5 ?5 s
/ j! Z, U6 U; {& I2 }
Mother Nature was very generous with these 115 islands scattered in the Indian Ocean and has spoiled them rotten. Undeniably, the beaches are the big attraction, and what beaches: exquisite ribbons of white sand lapped by topaz waters and backed by lush hills and big glacis boulders. And nary a crowd in sight. N( L# ^' o) s5 x* @
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb7 N: k& m- n; p9 L% {9 L( w3 i
With such a dreamlike setting, the Seychelles is, unsurprisingly, a choice place for a honeymoon. But there’s much more to do than simply cracking open a bottle of champagne with the loved one in a luxurious hotel. Having earned a reputation as a paradigm of ecotourism, the Seychelles is a top spot to watch birds and giant tortoises in their natural habitat. And a vast living world lies just below the turquoise waters, beckoning divers of all levels. When you tire of beaches you can venture inland on jungle trails, indulge in fine dining or enjoy the sublime laid-back tempo.8 @2 E! [; N  C6 N/ ~( a

1 b) U" S# n) Q# Rtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbIt is also a destination both Prince William and Princess Kate visited in 2007.The island have a special meaning for the couple. According to the tabloids it was there their reck centu reconciliation happened and a lot of promises were made there. 7 g# ]& `; O- }% \
公仔箱論壇7 `$ m1 ?( Z1 U$ W5 R- l2 a: f
And time has come to spread the word: yes, this paradise is accessible to us all. On top of ultra-luxurious options, the Seychelles has plenty of quaint, affordable self-catering facilities and guesthouses, often situated on some of the best land. Though it remains an expensive destination, its tourist authorities are now targeting non-millionaires, promoting these economy options. But fear not: mass tourism it will never be.公仔箱論壇% }( O) y( X$ Q& k! V6 L( e

' C3 B- ~) o. D8 t) _6 BTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。Ideal for a holiday or a "ROMANTIC HONEYMOON OR THE ROYAL HONEYMOON' OR " WEDDING IN PARADISE ISLAND"  OR " A MEMORABLE VACATION IN THE ISLAND OF THE TROPICS ". It is a perfect paradise for lovers of the sun and the sea who enjoy soaking up rays and have a passion for the water sports. A Paradise Island, untouched mother nature, unspoiled by the city's commercialization.
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( H/ W- o6 q& XEnjoyed u trip in the tropics of paradise island of the sea n the sun and the bliss of unspoiled mother nature ...yelp!
作者: professorberry    時間: 2011-6-23 07:15 PM

多謝你的分享這個Seychelles Islands的旅遊景點。
作者: kimmi8k    時間: 2011-6-25 05:23 AM

多謝你的分享這個Seychelles Islands的旅遊景點。 公仔箱論壇7 w$ R& J- P, W4 I
professorberry 發表於 2011-6-23 05:15 AM
  R# O& _" d6 c* N" P) j5.39.217.77:8898公仔箱論壇5 p. u  {* ]5 X/ r5 R4 p5 O% d* |
Seychelles is absolutely magnificent, and very very expensive indeed. It is a popular island for the handsome, rich and famous.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb: J5 L( {3 K2 l" v% V6 |& |9 a
Including the Royals like Prince William and Princess Kate of England. Though of the recent the resort have also introduced some公仔箱論壇. {: k- j! x: m9 U  M
less expensive holidays houses, for the less prestigious haha.   

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