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標題: [旅遊心得] 澳洲悉梨夜店 保安不准亚洲男人进入 [打印本頁]

作者: bwk0317    時間: 2010-11-20 07:38 PM     標題: 澳洲悉梨夜店 保安不准亚洲男人进入

本帖最後由 bwk0317 於 2010-11-20 07:43 PM 編輯

相信很多年輕人都有這種遭遇,往夜店消遣,被門口的保安辱罵,說'No Asian!'...'Asian Out!' 等等 , 不准亞洲仔進入!



聽得最多的是鬼佬對我們說: \'You gook, go back to fuxking China!\'


作者: 大啦叭    時間: 2010-11-21 02:19 PM

相信很多年輕人都有這種遭遇,往夜店消遣,被門口的保安辱罵,說'No Asian!'...'Asian Out!' 等等 , 不准亞洲仔進入!

昨晚是我在SYD第3次的類似遭遇,但後面有個打扮性感伴鬼佬的中國女生就可以進去,擺明妒忌和排 ...
bwk0317 發表於 2010-11-20 07:38 PM
澳洲法律是經理有權拒绝個别(特别指定)人士進入。但不能以種族理由拒绝一帮人。去纽省公平交易处(NSW Fair Trading)投诉佢!
作者: huit    時間: 2010-11-28 03:59 PM

本帖最後由 huit 於 2010-11-28 04:03 PM 編輯

I was HK-born, grew up in Syd, and have been clubbing since my uni days nearly 10 years ago, I gotta say I hardly ever had trouble getting into clubs in Syd, even The Ivy and the Establishment (they tend to let everyone in anyway, especially before 9pm, if you're respectably dressed)

I must say the excuses they've used for not letting us in was usually "sorry, club's full" or some other made-up bullshit, but they've never used racist names on us (yes we're a bunch of Asians too)

If you're a student there are lots of dance parties/club events that welcome Asians with open arms in Sydney (Martin Place Bar comes to mind) - so I'm actually VERY surprised they used racist names on you. Where are these bars you were talking about

Obviously I'm not condoning discrimination, especially when it's against people of my own ethnicity - but after years of clubbing I've learned a few things, the main thing is, bar/club operators work at creating an "environment" of "cool, stylish" people and look for people that look like they will fit in.

1. Don't dress like a bunch of fobs/dorks - door-bitches usually only let in people who dress well, that means no nerdy t-shirts and sneakers
2. All guys, no girls - forget about it.
3. Speaking loudly in a foreign language - obviously, you're not fitting into the club's environment, it's annoying too.

In a perfect world, there shouldn't be any racial discrimination, and the door bitches were wrong (I've never been called racist names at a bar before though) for the way they've treated you (perhaps they think you're easy target because you look like you're newly arrived?). But if you want to have a good time, you gotta play the game.

Oh and I can assure you it's not because of "妒忌" that they didn't let you in ;)
作者: wynwai    時間: 2010-12-1 06:48 PM

hi, im malaysian chinese, well im lucky to say that we don't have any problem of getting in and out of the club over here.. infact most of them owned by chinese..
作者: hq100200hq    時間: 2011-8-6 11:10 PM

作者: chowpei    時間: 2011-8-7 04:25 PM

could you share the shop name and location?
作者: hlouie    時間: 2011-8-7 11:08 PM

loads of fucking bullshit I lived in Sydney all my life never happen to me not even once! U guys must have done something wrong!
作者: fung_kyle    時間: 2011-8-8 01:36 AM

Thanks for your sharing!
作者: popoeliz    時間: 2011-8-28 12:47 PM

They probably turn you down for other reason otherwise that establishment is going to be in a lot of trouble if you manage to tape it down on the record.
作者: mrfusion    時間: 2011-8-28 04:37 PM

I don't really think this is common in Sydney, maybe Perth.
作者: ki1996    時間: 2011-9-9 11:41 PM

作者: fingerpuppet    時間: 2012-3-29 07:30 AM

I was HK-born, grew up in Syd, and have been clubbing since my uni days nearly 10 years ago, I gotta say I hardly ever had trouble getting into clubs in Syd, even The Ivy and the Establishment (they t ...
huit 發表於 2010-11-28 03:59 PM
Haha me too! He thinks he is too good looking so they didn't let him in? Hahaha
From where I am working I have been trained not to say raicas thing,
I am pretty sure for a club in Sydney, an Asian everywhere city would be very aware of that,
Never have this problem. Well maybe once I was wearing thongs so I wasn't allow in~
But meh that was my fault.
作者: hongm    時間: 2012-3-29 05:38 PM

i am living in sydney never see this happen as you mention ,  i living in sydney over 20 years, i don't think what reason they  reject  Asian into club, can you tell me what is name of the club ? where about it ? my friend they are working in Fair Trading and i working in Govermen t Department  i believe i  can help you . i wanted to go in that clube , are they security ?
作者: cs042982    時間: 2012-7-6 11:53 PM

作者: omonline    時間: 2012-7-8 06:59 AM

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作者: 茶記    時間: 2012-7-9 06:59 AM

in my limited experience in Australia, been to a few places on kings cross and didn't have any issues
作者: Funky_C    時間: 2012-7-13 07:39 PM

Those situations might have been happened from the past, if you were talking about 10+ years ago, but don't think it would happens on today especially Asians/Chinese are part of Sydney's society now!!!
作者: v_c_v_c    時間: 2012-7-14 09:25 PM

Yup, some Aussies discriminate Asians, i guess this happens in almost all Western countries. You should ask the guy what he doesnt let you in, absolutely can report him if he's a pure racist.
作者: julianlee    時間: 2012-7-15 08:44 PM

Once I have been Syd, I haven't met the situation you come across, may be  it is an individual case.
作者: kenthevk    時間: 2012-7-15 11:04 PM

could be a gay pub/ private night club..... or the local gangs inside had conflicts with asian mobs in the past, it might be wise not to go in there, the guard just gave you a good advice.
作者: luvleanna    時間: 2012-7-20 06:00 PM

作者: Davidgogogo000    時間: 2012-7-22 09:00 AM

that's rediculus.
作者: chabay    時間: 2012-9-21 12:15 PM

just tell me which club, I can represent you to sue them!
作者: khahin    時間: 2012-9-22 03:23 PM

作者: 仙尼亚    時間: 2012-12-14 12:32 PM

作者: Charles8778    時間: 2012-12-16 01:49 PM

作者: xeonvincent    時間: 2012-12-16 08:53 PM

Please reveal the name and the location of the club you're talking about.

I do find things like this likely to happen especially in a country like Australia where racism is highly prevalent, but we still need to know where did you experience this.
作者: blkhu    時間: 2012-12-17 06:15 AM

作者: blkhu    時間: 2012-12-17 06:15 AM

去fair trading 投诉他们
作者: 寂寞的小子    時間: 2012-12-17 03:53 PM

作者: cmb106    時間: 2012-12-25 08:15 AM

呢個情況難以想像, SYDNEY咁多亞洲人, 特別係蒲夜店既人, 喺CITY, 唔係中國,香港,韓國就係台灣人, 如果拒絕亞洲人進入, 嗰間BAR/CLUB都應該唔會有幾好生意囉, 執得啦...至少, 我未遇過咁既待遇, D人仲好客氣喎...我唔排除種族歧視邊度都有, 就算喺香港都一樣啦, 行行吓忽然比人問你啤乜X野都預唔少, 以前去名店只招呼鬼佬, 而家就招呼內地人, 咁你話係咪被種族歧視? 感覺上而家澳洲已經比以前少咗好多了, 基本上都好和藹可親
作者: lonionc    時間: 2012-12-25 10:21 AM

作者: hillarysummers    時間: 2012-12-29 10:10 PM

so true
作者: unsecureworld    時間: 2012-12-30 12:18 PM

tell all your friends to stop going there for good
作者: cs37d5    時間: 2012-12-30 11:17 PM

岜里島爆炸案 澳洲人死傷慘重 是否肇因使他們認為亞洲人

作者: konglouer    時間: 2013-3-20 10:31 AM

作者: k510629    時間: 2013-4-7 10:17 AM

作者: coolbaby4010    時間: 2013-4-9 02:14 PM

不能以種族理由拒绝人, 不合理 :(
作者: rickyho2    時間: 2013-4-9 03:12 PM

作者: s10    時間: 2013-4-11 01:21 AM

我15/6 飛去lu~
作者: coddysun    時間: 2013-4-14 01:28 PM

作者: sotim01    時間: 2013-4-14 06:22 PM

可惡 拒絕去呢d夜店
作者: superabb    時間: 2014-1-19 08:42 AM

could you share the shop name and location?
作者: yanggor1983    時間: 2014-1-19 12:43 PM

Australians are known for discrimination of anything, gay, race, religion, food preference, coke vs pepsi, mac vs windows, anything you could imagine.
作者: onenightfcuk    時間: 2014-1-27 11:11 PM

i nver come across this kind of issue before
作者: onenightfcuk    時間: 2014-1-27 11:12 PM

maybe u might find it in tasmania.. but definitely not sydney
作者: tipton    時間: 2014-2-5 11:23 PM

作者: nicerabbit    時間: 2014-2-6 02:06 AM


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