本帖最後由 fly814 於 2010-1-24 02:04 AM 編輯
我都知道呢一件事...., 呢一件唔係小事...
The Red bull, the Brawn and the Mclaren, have an entrance duct, as per the reg's...and they have a exit duct, there isn't a third port connecting to the internal volume of the diffuser to the ducting... otherwise you would be correct in the operation of pulling air from the lower diffuser.
They are only allowed the entrance ports, that I'm aware off.
Additionally the entrance port is followed by a higher volume area which slows air, not accelerate it....
Actually, there is. Look closely at the photograph of the underside of a Red Bull car,
which points to the ducts that flow into the second "diffuser," which is akin to the red flow chamber in the siphon pump.

This drawing shows how air taken in through the
under-body ductwork is routed over the main diffuser. The end of the separation between the two is shown by a jagged red line.
And the lower drawing in this illustration shows the system in cross-section.

Note how both airflows come from under the car, then are separated, with the upper one coming out just behind the lower. That's what creates and drives the siphon pump.
I beleive the end-view of the Red Bull double diffuser looks something like the Williams or possibly the Brawn.

In Toyota's case, they took a slightly different track, ducting the second "diffuser" duct straight out the back of the car, rather than walling it off and exiting it above, as Brawn and Williams, et al, have done.

The littl winglet you see at the bottom of the Toyota diffuser angles the airflow so that it mixes more completely with the air flowing through the main diffuser, and with that under the wing.