Top 5 Reasons To Love Being A Fan Heading Into the 2009-10 NBA Season 新赛季湖蜜最幸福之五大理由  Therewill always be the Dallas Cowboys, the New York Yankees, and the NewEngland Patriots, but if we’re being honest, no professional sportsteam in the world garners more dislike than the Los Angeles Lakers.Personally, I think that’s half the fun. 没错,有达拉斯牛仔队,有纽约洋基队,还有新英格兰爱国者队,但是让我们老实说吧,这世界上还没哪支职业运动队伍会像洛杉矶湖人队那样受到那么多的憎恶。对我个人来说,那正是乐趣的所在。
Still, I don’t expect to make any non-Laker friends with this one. 然而,我不期望这篇文章能让我交到任何非湖人的朋友。 1)
The Hatred 1.仇恨 
Hatred is the price tag of greatness. The funny thing is, for most of us, it’s a price we’re more than happy to pay. 憎恶就是伟大的价格标签。可笑的是,对于我们大部分人来说,我们却是非常乐意去付出这个代价的。 Itsno secret that the strong majority of Laker haters are emotional,irrational, illogical, frustrated creatures, but you know what thebasketball world’s best kept secret is? 不成秘密的一件事就是绝大部分憎恨湖人的人们是容易激动的,无理性不合逻辑的,失败的一群人,但是你们知道篮球世界里藏得最隐秘的秘密是什么吗? They desperately desire the validation of Laker fans. 他们拼命地想要得到湖人球迷的认可。 We’ve all been there. 我们都遇到过了这些场面。 TheLaker fan plays the part of the proverbial grey haired white man whilethe frustrated hater lays across the proverbial leather couch and ventsall of his narrow-minded perceptions and pathetic shoulda coulda wouldatalk. 湖人球迷扮演的就是众所周知的那个有灰色毛发的白人,而那些沮丧的湖人憎恨者就是躺在那皮沙发上,发泄他们所有那些眼光短浅的思想还有那些可悲的”本该,本能够,本会”的言论。 “TheLakers wouldn’t have won in 2002 if not for the officiating in Game 6of the Western Conference Finals,” they claim. (Well if the Kingshadn’t blown a 24-point lead in Game 4 and missed 14 free throws inGame 7, maybe the Lakers wouldn’t have won. Too bad.) 他们宣称:“如果不是裁判在西部决赛第六场操纵比赛,那湖人是不会在2002年夺冠的。”(好吧,如果国王队不是在第四战中丧失了24分的优势,还有在第七战中丢了14个罚球,那么可能湖人还真的就夺冠不成呢。太糟糕了。) “TheLakers only won because of Shaq. The Lakers will never win aChampionship without him! Never!” (Well, guess they can’t use this oneanymore.) “湖人夺冠就是靠奥尼尔,没有他湖人是拿不到总冠军的,永远也不可能!”(の,我想他们不能再用这套了吧。) “TheRockets would have beaten the Lakers if only Yao hadn’t gotten injured.If only Tracy hadn’t gotten injured. If only the world was a betterplace.” (The world is askew because a team that hasn’t been out of thefirst round of the playoffs since Sega Genesis was the video gamemarket's leading console failed to beat a team whose franchise pridesitself on winning or at least competing for championships year in andyear out. Right.) “如果姚明没有受伤的话,火箭队本来可以打败湖人队的。如果麦迪在之前也没受伤的话。如果世界是更和谐美好的话。”(在世嘉创世纪平台还是电脑游戏市场的主导时,火箭队就一直没能从季后赛首轮爬出来,那时世界在他们眼里就是不公平了,他们败给了一支以其战绩自豪的球队,或者至少说一年到头都是总冠军有力竞争者的球队。没错。) “TheCeltics would be looking at a Three-peat if KG hadn’t gotten injured.”(Yeah, let’s just forget that the Lakers reached the 2008 Finalswithout two of the following year’s starters. Its not like the Lakersproved they’re the better team with a healthy roster by sweeping themin the following year’s regular season, right? I mean come on if thatwere the case the Lakers would have been the first team looking at aThree-peat since….well, since they did it last time.) “如果加内特没有受伤的话,凯尔特人可以成就三连冠。”(是的,让我们暂且忘记08年湖人杀入总决赛时是缺少了上赛季的其中两个首发球员的。接着湖人在常规赛面对阵容完整的凯子队时横扫对手不正是证明了他们更强吗?我的意思是以你们的逻辑,那湖人更是那第一支可以三连冠的球队,自从,他们上一次这样做的时候。) Mypersonal favorite: “The Lakers cheated! They stole Pau Gasol. There’s aconspiracy!” (The way you get a player is clearly more important thanwhat he does once he gets there, right? Besides, let's just ignore thefact that the Celtics got KG and Ray Allen for pretty close to nothingthe EXACT same year.) 我个人最喜欢的一个观点:“湖人是强盗,他们抢来了加索尔,那是一个阴谋。”(得到一个球员的方式比起一个球员来到新东家而做出的贡献更为重要,是这样吗?除此之外,让我们别忘了,凯尔特人在同一年以微小代价就引来了加内特和雷阿伦。) 2)
This Guy 2.这位仁兄 
What can be said about Kobe Bryant that hasn’t already been said? 对于科比还有什么没有说过的可以说呢? We are among the most privileged fans of all time to have such a dedicated, hard working, super-humanly talented player. 我们是处于历史上最为幸运的球迷行列中,能够拥有这位专注,努力,超人般天赋的伟大球员。 He’salways had the game, but now that he’s implemented a more team-orientedapproach to his game and demeanor, it's all but written in stone that2009 won’t be Kobe’s last championship. 他总是敢作敢当的人,但是现在他已经成长为在比赛和态度上更注重集体的人物,2009绝不会是科比最后一个总冠军。 Buthey, even if you aren’t content watching Kobe Bryant’s flare and talenton the hardwood, there’s almost as much fun to be had listening topeople’s reactions to him. 但是如果你光看科比在场上的天赋和闪耀还不足以满意的话,那么听听人们对于他的看法也是相当有趣的事情哦。 “Ohhe’s a rapist! The fact that he was acquitted and the ‘victim’ wasdiscovered to have semen from multiple other men in her panties meansabsolutely nothing!” “他就是个强奸犯!他被宣判无罪的事实,还有那‘受害者’裤子发现有其他男性精液的说法也是荒谬的。” “Despitethe fact that Phil Jackson, who happened to coach BOTH Jordan andBryant, admits that the level of both players' skill is pretty close,it must not be the case! Jordan is more popular so he must beapproximately 321,694,816,932,734 times better than Kobe will ever be!” “即使事实是菲尔杰克逊刚好都执教过乔丹和科比二人,并承认他们俩人的水平相当接近,但是事实绝对不是这样的。乔丹比科比更受欢迎,所以他肯定比科比最好的水平好了有大概321694816932734倍。” ThinkI’m exaggerating? Log onto YouTube one day and scroll down to thecomments on a Kobe Bryant video. Get into a Kobe-related discussion inyour school’s lunchroom. Hell, read a BleacherReport article withKobe’s name in the fine print. 你们认为我夸大事实了吗?不信的话,有空去YouTube随便看个科比视频的留言内容。或者在你学校的饭堂里讨论关于科比的话题。去BleacherReport看一篇有科比小字体名字的文章吧。 If you can find and record a completely positive example of any of the above contact me. 如果在上面的情况下你能找到完全是正面的评价的话,请联系我。 I’m moving out to where you live. 我会搬到你住的地方去。 3)
LA Girls 3.湖人的辣妹们  They’rehot, pure and simple. Its actually not all that puzzling as to why allthe girls from LA are as sexy as they are. In a city known for itsexotic beaches and scorching heat, who wouldn’t want a hot body to showoff? 他们很辣,非常十分地辣。事实上为什么洛杉矶的女孩子都像她们一样辣这现象并不难理解。在一个以其迷人沙滩还有酷热天气而出名的城市,谁不想炫耀自己火辣的身材呢? GrantedI’ve usually found cheerleaders from teams I hate the most attractive(don’t ask why), but aside from that fetish, there’s nothing I lovemore than a Laker girl. 我承认我总是讨厌拉拉队里那个最出彩最迷人的那一位(别问我为什么),但是撇开这个怪癖,没有什么东西比湖人宝贝更让我喜爱了。 Except maybe a fresh 'Supernatural' episode. 或许除了全新的一集《神秘力量》。 But that’s another story. 但那又是另一回事了。 4)
The History 4.光辉历史  Evenwhen the Lakers suck, which is almost never, you still have braggingrights over every other team in the league, INCLUDING Boston. 即使当湖人沦落了,这当然是不可能的事情,但是湖人对于联盟的任何一支球队,包括凯子队都仍然有资格自夸。 Sure Boston may have more championships, for now, but you’ll never see the Lakers disappear for 20 years at a time. 没错,目前为止凯尔特人是得到过更多冠军,但是在将来每一个20年湖人队都不会消失在人们的视线。 SanAntonio falls short too; after all, the Lakers/Spurs rivalry is purelyrestricted to this decade. Outside of the last 10 years, thechampionship count for the teams is 11 for the Lakers to zero for theSpurs. Not exactly a horse race, huh? 圣安东尼奥马刺队比起来还是略逊一筹,毕竟湖人马刺的竞争仅限于这一个十年。在这10年之前,湖人马刺夺得的总冠军数为11:0.所以这完全不是同一个档次的嘛。 While the Spurs’ time in the NBA is dwarfed by the amount of time the Lakers have been around, their championship pace is too. 马刺在NBA的时间比起湖人要相形见绌,而获得总冠军的脚步也是一样逊于湖人队。 In fact, if the Spurs are lucky, my calculations predict that the earliest possible time San Antonio can catch LA is 2057. 事实上,如果马刺幸运的话,以我的计算,马刺最快能追上湖人队将会是在2057年。 Asfor everyone else, there isn’t even a case for a rivalry. It was thecrowning achievement of the Phoenix Suns’ existence when they beat therebuilding Lakers in the first round of the playoffs in two consecutiveyears. It's moot for Phoenix that the team didn't even reach the Finalson either occasion. 至于其他的球队,甚至基本上没有哪支球队可以足以竞争的。菲尼克斯太阳队连续两年在季后赛首轮打败重建时的湖人队这是他们无比的荣耀了。但是毫无意义的是,太阳队在那两次中都没能打进总决赛。 The Jazz similarly beat the Lakers two consecutive years in '97 and '98, but still failed to get the title both times. 爵士队同样在97和98年两度打败湖人队,但是他们也两度败北总决赛。 Forus, beating another Western Conference team in a playoff series meansnothing if we don’t ultimately win it all. For other teams, beating theLakers is enough of an achievement to boast proudly for years. 对于我们来说,如果最终没能夺冠的话,那么在季后赛中打败任何一支西部球队都没什么大不了的。但是对于其他球队,打败洛杉矶湖人队却是可以很自豪地吹嘘好些年的成就。 Kind of sad when you put it all in perspective. 当发现这些很有道理时还真的有点悲哀吧。 5)
June ('Nuff Said) 5.总决赛6月  Any given Sunday. It's never over until it's over. Nothing is guaranteed. Blah blah blah yadda yadda… 哪一个星期天都不是结束,而是又一个开始。什么时期都可能发生,…… Icould sit here and pretend like the Lakers may just become anotherone-hit wonder like the 2006 Miami Heat or another paper champion likethe ‘02 Sacramento Kings or ‘07 Dallas Mavericks, but we all knowbetter than that. 我可以坐在这里而假装湖人也许就成为像06年昙花一现的迈阿密热火或者像‘02年的国王队’‘07年的小牛队’那样子的虚拟总冠军,但是我们都知道他们要好得多了。 2009 won’t be the last championship this Laker team wins. 2009不会是这支湖人队赢得的最后一个冠军。 Thetruth is that the biggest (only?) threat to the Lakers this seasonresides in Los Angeles, and I’m not talking about the Lakers’ uglyred-and-blue-wearing step-sister. 事实是新赛季湖人最大的威胁将潜伏在天使之城,我说的可不是湖人那丑陋的穿红蓝球衣的同城兄弟。 Aslong as the Lakers keep their same passion and commitment to winningand they stay healthy, there isn’t a team out there that can beat themin a seven game series. 只要湖人队保持相同的胜利热情和承诺,并且保持健康,那么没有球队能够在7场的系列赛中打败他们。 Let's just throw a few bonus reassurances out there: 让我们来看看一些提升信心的事情吧: a)No 60-plus win Phil Jackson coached team has ever failed to win the NBAFinals. One look at this roster and you know there’s pretty solidreason to believe the 2010 Lakers could challenge the ’96 Bulls'regular season record 72 wins…. do you really think they’ll have aproblem getting to 60? a)禅师执教的球队取得60+胜便不会在总决赛中落败。先看看湖人目前的阵容,你会知道有很好理由去相信2010的湖人队有可能挑战96公牛的72胜,那么你还会认为他们取得60胜会有什么问题吗? b)According to most analysts, the biggest threat to the Lakers in theWestern Conference is the Spurs. Funny thing is that the Spurs have wononly two of the last nine meetings with the Lakers and have lost fourof their last five in the postseason, and although that last stat datesback to 2001, historical stats tend to be the most accurate predictorof the future. b)根据大多数分析家的看法,湖人在西部最大的威胁便是马刺队。但是有趣的是马刺在与湖人近9次交锋中才赢得了2次,并且在最近5次季后赛交锋中输掉了4次,即使数据得回溯到2001年,但是历史数据总是对将来最准确的预测。 c) Back to Phil: He’s never won a championship without winning two more in succession. c)又谈回禅师,他还从没赢得过一个总冠军就停下了,他还得赢得多另外两个呢。 Solook, I’m going to go ahead book my trip to LA for the repeat party inJune. I hear the hotels out there are expensive though. Any suggestions? 所以呢,我打算提前去预定在下一年6月去洛杉矶的卫冕庆祝活动。虽然我听说那边的酒店都很贵,有好建议吗?