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fw : Lucky the injured turtle comes out of his shell after receiving new legs...
made out of furniture coasters
By Mail Foreign Service Last updated at 12:19 PM on 08th September 2009
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1211945/Injured-turtle-comes-shell-receiving-new-legs.html
It's not every day you see a turtle sliding around with furniture coasters attached to his undershell.
But after Lucky the box turtle was attacked by a raccoon, owner Sally Pyne, 60 had to come up with a shatterproof solution.
Sally said: 'He was in so much pain, I was ready to let little Lucky go, but Lucky, wasn't ready to give up. He was shoving himself around on his two back legs. He was not going to quit.'
So Sally took the plucky turtle who she's owned for four years to her local vet who stitched and bandaged him up. |