Many people are simply drawn to stunningly beautiful cars. Behindthe artistry and superfluous lines lies the maker’s true passion tomake an already existing work of art into something much more. This iswhat the 2009 USD Mallet Corvette ZO3 is. As a joint project of MalletCars of Berea, Ohio and Ugur Sahin Design from Gorinchem, Netherlands,the very powerful Corvette has just gotten a bit better.

The Team of USD B.V. had promising dreams for the Corvette C3. Theyalready knew the capabilities of the favored supercar, which has asupercharger-twin turbo 7-liter V8 engine. But they wanted to createsomething that not had power in the inside, but it had to reflect onthe outside as well. And thus they created something far more thandesign and style. It’s what they call Automotive Haute Couture.

As several exterior adjustments has been made to guarantee optimalperformance and down force of the car, you’ll also see the distinctivestyle of the carbon fibre bodyworks that can be customized to theclient’s preference in paint color. With only 100 Corvette C3 that theteam is going to work with, car collectors should not miss the chanceof owning power and beauty is one package.