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心急人 婚前瘦身

請問有冇朋友仔, 都係年尾結婚, 趕住要減肥架?

尋日去左睇婚紗, 著左上去之後, 好多肉走左出黎呀.... 由話結婚到依家, 已經開始用節食, 減肥餐單, 去美容院做機, 食中藥, 但係好似都冇乜成績...
做运动啦...去D gym house请返个personal trainer, 都好有效卡..

恭喜晒. 祝你减肥成功. 成为最美丽的新娘..
我之前都去 gym house 請 personal trainer, 不過好貴, 又要夾時間, 同埋我唔係成日都有時間去做 gym, 放工已經攰到死, 放假又要陪屋企人, 又同班friend去街
我依家用其他方法減緊, 效果唔錯, 不如用我個辦法同我一齊減啦, 你有興趣就 pm 我啦
congratulation!! hope that will be the most beautiful day for you.
c.nancy, 多謝你教我既方法, 我會照住做, 因為好方便, 希望結婚前可以減到靚晒啦, thx~~~
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份營養餐單真係好 work, 依家已經減左7-8磅啦........
我當然會 keep 住啦....
可以send 份比我嗎,我同佢都想keep 下丫....可以既send 比我丫
11# joeson0827

我叫左我顧問 send email 俾你呀, 因為佢識多d 呀
lots of exercise + lots of water + fruits and veggies

try to do about 30min of cardio exercise everyday and then a little light weight exercise

drink lots and lots of water... try drinking water instead of snacking in between meals...

try to eat as LITTLE animal products as you can... eat more fruits and vegetables instead...

you'll lose lots of weight if you can keep this up
thx, 我已經有顧問幫我跟進啦
i also want to try cause next year after chinese new year i also need to take photo so....hope u can sent me the menu my e-mail is ahping08@streamyx.com