Feelingin love? Then how about dressing your C30 in pink hearts! Not that kindof person? Well then, how about giving your C30 a retro look by turningit into a post-modern Swedish woodie? We know that many of you willprobably think that we’ve been caught off-guard by posting an AprilFools’ Day hoax, but Volvo actually announced this new personalisedappereance program for the C30 on its official Swedish site today. Sounless the Swedes celebrate April Fools’ Day on the 4th of April, it’sas real as it gets.
According to Volvo, starting from April 7, 2008, C30 buyers in Swedenwill be able to choose among 20 different designs for their car. Theremovable film has a guaranteed durability for around two years, afterwhich it’s either replaced with a new variant, or alternatively, takenaway for good. Volvo promises that the film will not cause any harm tothe car’s color but on the contrary, it will protect it. The cost ofthe film –including labor, has been set in Sweden at 18,750 SEC, which is about $3,130 USD or €2,000. –More images after the jump
