so here i am posting my concerns over our squad although (i hope) it's not completed yet..
so here we go...
VAN DER SAR:in his last season at old trafford (and footballgenerally) he can not be playing every single match!i see him playingsome matches along with foster maybe 60% of the matches vds and 40%foster!anyway i don't see us having a problem in the no1 position.
NEVILLEtoo old,can't see him play a vital role in our team!his leading skills and his presence are important for our team though
BROWNif he stays fit he will be our first choice for rb!he isnot world class but in a match he will never have a rating lower than6/10.he can also provide our squad an extra central defender if needed
O'SHEA:i never really liked him especially for this position...idon't rate him much and think that if we want to do well in all frontshe should not be our first choice for rb...can provide cover in thedentral defence if needed
RAFAEL:and here is my favourite one!extremely talentedyoung,fast,intelligent!hasn't got a lot of experience but i would loveto see him play a fair amount of matches this year!i have muchconfidence in him!i think he can evolve to a world class rb in the next2-3 years!
i don't think this needs much analysing!in two words:world class!hoperio and vida stay fit but if one of them gets injured we have anothergreat player who comes in the name of j.evans!this guy has alreadyproved himself and is only 21!
my only concerns are rio's fitness and those back problems he had andvida's performances in big matches...we'll see....i trust him a lot!
EVRA:enough said!
FABIO:we haven't seen a lot of him but i think alongside de laetthey can both provide important service when evra is banned or what i have heard they say that fabio is better than hisbrother!
probably the weakest part of our team but with a lot of untapped potential!in my opinion 2 transfers are needed!let's go
CARRICK:good passer,great vision,good shot vital member of ourteam's success in the last 3 years! rate him highly and hope we do notsee his ch l final performance too often.
ANDO:great player!performances like the one he had againstarsenal in the ch l semi in the emirates show that he can be theworld's no 1 in a few years!his only problem is his form!in one game hehas rating 9/10 and in the next 6/10!if he can keep his form high isurely can see him being a first team player!another advantage is thathe can play in a lot of different positions in the midfield and havemany roles!
SCHOLESY: final season?maybe yes maybe not!he can not play afull season but he can be outstanding in some matches!(everyone canremember his performance against fulham at ot)he can play in keymatches or come in when things are not going well!
FLETCHER:maybe one of our most underrated players!same asanderson ha can have a great game and then a series of below parperfomances!proved to be a great miss in the ch l final!he is a decentplayer,he will play a lot of matches but he is not a great power in themidfield
HARGO:speaking of power in the midfield hargo can rule it!he isa big doubt for next year only because of his knees problems!if he isfit then it would be like a new transfer and then only one transferwould be needed for our midfield!he simply is world class!
GIGGS:35 and playing like a teenager!no really he can not run asfast as he used to,his stamina is not great that's why he can no longerplay in the wing!against smaller teams and teams that do not rule themidfield(barca) he will be perfect!
GIBSON:has shown good signs but not ready for a full season!cup matches and a few league ones will be his contribution!
VALENCIA:fast,decent cross,not great techique!i see him playingmost of the matches but he will not be our main man(ronaldo) i see histransfer as a sign of fergie giving the main role to ourstrikers(rooney)
NANI:he had a great first year(fantastic goals in terms ofimportance and beauty)excellent technique!BUT his second year wasawful!now that ronaldo has gone he will be given chances and hopefullyhe shows us all what a great player he is!
PARK:mediocre player but fast and workaholic !i see him playing a number of matches and help us against teams that run a lot!
TOSIC:??? i don't even know if he will play in the first team!
OBERTAN:haven't seen him!don't know what he will do and what role he will play in our squad!
BERBATOV:ahh.....was he worth 30m?with what we saw in his firstseason NO!!!though he has shown some excellent moves his contributionwas not great!he generally slows our game down...anyway he is ourplayer and we will support him but he hasn't got many chances to provehimself...he is already 28!next season will be his second and lastchance!i hope he will play like he did in spurs!if he doesn't thengoodbye!and to be honest i like the idea of giving him away and buyaguero who is 21!
ROONEY:!!!!!well probably everyone's favourite player!and thewhite pele deserves our love because he is simply a phenomenalfootballer!if he plays in his position then he well set the worldalight!simple as that!one of the greatest in the world and van easilybe the best at the age of 25-28!
OWEN: (really big question mark) ? many questions,many answershe must give!if he plays as he can with all these great players aroundhim he can be the biggest surprise of all!if not then a flop!anyway ithin he is worth the risk!probably his role will be:supersub!
WELLBECK & MACHEDA: well...talented,young,enthusiastic possibly will play in cup matches....
so that's it!feel free to say where you agree with me or where youdisagree!have your say on if this squad needs additions!if yes where?
but most of all do you think that with the existing squad we can fight on all fronts?if not then where should our aims be?
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