[討論] 以現時的陣容,能奪冠嗎?
, 描述: We can still win the league with what we have got now
本帖最後由 tok 於 2009-7-4 09:31 PM 編輯

Although it never hurts tohave the likes of Benzema, Villa, Aguero etc, lets not talk ourselvesdown before we even kick a ball for the next season. Ok, we lost Tevezand Ronnie, but we still have Rooney and Berba as our strike force.Tevez wasn't utilised much anyway, more than often coming in as anineffective sub. Then I think Macheda or Wellbeck are capable ofoffering that and probably more.
Nani should be able to step up on the wing replacing Ronnie and we havealso signed Valencia. Hope Hargreaves can begin to play tho, or he willbe remembered like the Owen of Newcastle.
The backline is pretty much in tact and if we can carry on our defenserecord from last season, I don't see what's the problem there.
We should be able to win the league with our current squad, maybe eventhe Champ League if we are lucky with injures. That's not too badafterall, is it? 
奧雲不要傷(編按:這樣雙奧雲陣【下格的名字就是奧雲】) |