Kobe Bryant

Don't think we need a grand explanation here.
Not after Kobe,who had to wait only four years to get his first NBA ring, livedthrough seven stomach-turning seasons of wild surges and dips on theKobe Coaster between rings No. 3 and No. 4.
Notafter Kobe openly described his first title as the Lakers' undisputedleader as a "big ol' monkey off my back." No one had more to lose inthe Finals than Bryant, after his team was beaten in the championshipseries as the heavy favorite in both 2004 (Detroit) and 2008 (Boston).So no one can be a bigger winner in the '09 playoffs than No. 24.
That's doubly true when you realize that the Lakers still have some serious growth potential, given that Pau Gasol is only 28 and that Andrew Bynum-- who was supposed to be the big difference-maker for this groupcompared to the '08 Lakers -- had such a minimal playoff impact. IfBynum can bounce back from two injury-plagued seasons to be anythingclose to the force the Lakers project him to be, then what?
Phil Jackson

Thenew champs, as you'd imagine, have a list of individual winners thatstretches well beyond Bryant. General manager Mitch Kupchak has to beup there, for starters, given the considerable abuse he has absorbedsince the last championship in 2002 in a thankless job as Jerry West'ssuccessor. Kupchak's redemption was delivered in large part by thesupporting cast he assembled around Bryant.
Shall we continue? Gasol is suddenly soft no more. Lamar Odom was crucially selfless in a contract year. Derek Fisher has joined Robert Horryin Lakers lore as the ultimate clutch-on-cue role players. We instantlysee all of them differently now, along with Kupchak and emergingtwo-way difference-maker Trevor Ariza, who converted 47.6 percent of his 3-point attempts in the playoffs to go with all that sticky defense.
Yetno name jumps off the list faster than Jackson's, after his 10thchampionship in a ridiculous 18-season span. Do the math and you aretempted to throw Jackson's name above Kobe, even in this players'league.
Withapologies to Red Auerbach, there is no way now to deny Jackson his GOATstatus (Greatest of All Time) among coaches. The size of the egos andcontracts and the levels of scrutiny and pressure are such in themodern game that there is simply no comparison when it comes to winningtoday versus yesteryear. And as Kobe and others have so aptly said inrecent days, no one wins championships with "a bunch of scrubs," whichhopefully hushes those who persist with the claim that Jackson couldn'thave won this much if he didn't inherit Michael Jordan and then the tagteam of Kobe and Shaq.
Jacksonhas always been perceived as smug and has never been interested inconnecting with his fellow coaches in an otherwise closely knitfraternity. Few of those peers regard him as an X's and O's master,either. Try, though, to name a coach -- in any sport -- who can getmegastars as complex and diverse as he's had in Chicago and L.A. tolisten and buy in like Jackson has.
"With Phil," says one of his former players, "it's all presence and psychology."
Chauncey Billups

Kudos to Bill Simmons for that provocative list he assembled recently detailing a number of dubious playoff performances that somehow haven't inflicted any damage to Chauncey Billups'Mr. Big Shot rep. Chauncey certainly failed to distinguish himself inthe last two games of the Western Conference finals, when the Nuggets'dream season abruptly melted.
Yetnone of Simmons' findings can change the view here that the Billups wesaw in the first two rounds against New Orleans and Dallas was the bestBillups we've ever seen. Or tied, at worst, with the Billups who helpedshoot down the Lakers in 2004 to win Finals MVP.
Chris Paul remains the consensus best point guard in the league and Dirk Nowitzkiaveraged a steely and underrated 34-and-12 in the face of unprecedentedturmoil in his personal life, but neither had a chance to advanceagainst Denver's depth, setting up a run to the final four that finallybrought some national attention to the impact Billups' arrival has hadon his hometown team.
What even the Nuggets couldn't have imagined at the time of trading Allen Iverson for Billups was that it was almost like trading for three or four new players, because the likes of Carmelo Anthony, Kenyon Martin and J.R. Smithwere so much more plugged in, potent and unified following Chauncey'slead. And Billups, playing with all those young athletes, was clearlyrejuvenated.
SaysNuggets coach George Karl: "I've yelled at [Spurs coach Gregg] Popovichnumerous times: 'You don't coach in the NBA, you've had Tim Duncan. You've had 10 years of Tim Duncan. He's your policeman.' We all want a Kevin Garnett, Tim Duncan, Steve Nash. They do so much for you. ... Chauncey polices a lot of the stuff."
Fans counting on a free-agent bonanza in 2010
Thereflex response as soon as the Finals end is to get lathered up aboutall the money that soon-to-be free agents -- such as Ariza, Odom, Hedo Turkoglu, Marcin Gortat, Chris Andersen, Ron Artest, Ben Gordon and Andre Miller -- made in the playoffs by playing big.
Thereality is that we're still sorting that out because of the widely heldexpectation that free-agent dollars will be tighter than ever thissummer thanks to the unforgiving world economy. Ariza and Gortat mightbe two guys who are capable of commanding the full $5.6 millionmidlevel exception, but it would be a surprise in this climate to seemore than a couple free agents make that kind of score.
Thesolace for those of you who can't wait for transaction season everyJuly is that the bonanza summer we've all been promised in 2010 figuresto play out to maximum suspense thanks to Cleveland's failure to evenreach the Finals after winning 66 games -- and the panic that hascaused all over Ohio -- along with Miami's inability to get out of thefirst round.
Let's just say that the next 12 months are bound to generate twice as much talk about the possibilities for LeBron James, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh to change teams than you've heard during the past 12.
The other Celtics, for a change

Forall the uncertainty surrounding Garnett's recovery from knee surgeryand the recent fretting about Ray Allen's advancing age at 33 -- aswell as the letdown of never really seeing Stephon Marbury and KG reunite on the floor -- there were at least three postseason silver linings for last season's champs.
Kendrick Perkins.
Glen Davis.
And most notably, Rajon Rondo.
Assumingthat the Celtics can patch up and re-establish their three-starfoundation, they'll have a far more seasoned and hardened supportingcast than the 2008 title team did, judging by Perkins' admirableone-on-one work against Dwight Howard,Big Baby's big-time shot-making and Rondo's tantalizing playoffaverages that make you want to forget about any of his warts: 16.9points, 9.7 rebounds and 9.8 assists.
The Chicago Bulls

Threerounds later, I have to make it clear I remain firmly in the camp whichmaintains that the Boston-Chicago series in Round 1 -- dramatic,historic and irresistibly terrific as it was -- needed to have a biggerimpact on the championship itself to merit any Greatest Series Everconsideration.
Youare entitled to disagree, as always, but you are likewise invited toconsider how quickly those teams faded from our consciousness as theplayoffs progressed. The view here is that if the outcome had no realimpact on the Eastern Conference bracket -- an indisputable realitygiven Garnett's absence -- it doesn't matter how many games went toovertime. The stakes simply weren't high enough to get Celtics-Bullsinto the greatest-ever debate.
None of that, though, would dare stop us from putting the Bulls -- pretty much all of them -- high on this list. Derrick Rose playing better in Games 1, 4 and 6 than he ever did during a regular season in which he was the rookie of the year, Joakim Noahsuddenly looking like an NBA difference-maker, Ben Gordon performingunder pressure -- these guys were catalysts for a postseason that wasfar more unpredictable than we were all expecting.
Pizza and candy
Bothof these staples straight off the sportswriting menu are now apparentlyacceptable fare for NBA players -- albeit to the horror of GMs and teamdoctors everywhere -- after TV cameras outed the former as HedoTurkoglu's pregame meal of choice in the locker room and after LamarOdom's obsession with the latter resulted in a full-fledged exposé on"SportsCenter."
Thestory got so big in Odom's case that folks in the stands are nowconstantly calling out "Candy Man" to him, although he seemed a bitmore comfortable with his new tag when Professor Hollinger and Iinformed him that the same nickname worked out OK for a World Seriesring-winning Pittsburgh Pirates pitcher in the 1970s named JohnCandelaria.
"Was he a lefty?" Odom asked. His face lit up when he heard the answer.
Shaquille O'Neal

We hung on Shaq'severy Twitter dispatch. We spent the hours before the final game of the2008-09 season obsessing over the likelihood of a Shaq-LeBron tag teamin Cleveland next season ... and the odds of seeing Shaq and LeBronversus Kobe in the 2010 Finals. We watched Kobe break through and winthat first ring without Shaq as a sidekick, but definitely not withoutShaq's presence felt for every minute of this series that hooked up theteam that drafted him and the team that stole him away four years later.
The Phoenix Suns,remember, didn't even make it to the playoffs, but that didn't stopO'Neal from ingesting his usual slice of the postseason spotlight.Which undoubtedly delights him.
Dwight Howard

It has to be hard for anyone who has anything to do with the Magic to feel good about anything right now.
They were a Courtney Leelayup -- difficult as the shot actually was -- away from stealing Game2. They lost a killer Game 4 at home in a hailstorm of missed freethrows. And they surrendered pretty meekly in Game 5 after those twoovertime losses, forcing even the biggest of Stan Van Gundy fans (likeme) to concede that it would have been undoubtedly better to see howthe Finals unfolded without bringing Jameer Nelsonback from his four-month layoff in Game 1. Had he held Jameer out ofthe opener, Stan would have had the ultimate inspirational counter torespond to the sort of series-starting blowout Orlando absorbed withNelson. And no need to take that gamble if the Magic had found a way tosteal Game 1.
Yetyou can't proceed to next season without acknowledging that the Magic'sfuture looks pretty tasty ... provided that they can hang on to Hedo infree agency. For all of the criticism Howard will continue to hearabout his success rate from the line and the low-post polish he stillneeds so badly, Orlando has a young nucleus in its prime that suddenlyhas some good experience. One team exec I trust implicitly insists thatthe Magic are "set up for the next five years" as well as any team inthe league, provided (again) that they find the bucks to keep Turkoglu.
Thereare obviously no guarantees, given that Howard still has to develop aface-up jumper away from the basket and learn to be quicker and moredecisive in the post, but he stands to benefit greatly from thissooner-than-expected ride to the big stage at age 23. He could and heshould.
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