版主 run away 
thn master tim should give me red packet 
n whn u c blueocean ask him to pay double haha
1739jay 發表於 2013-2-16 08:12 AM  it's too late for red pockets~~~ ask earlier next year~~ no one needs to give anything~~ hahawas so stupid today-.-' i didn't drive to work because it's only a few blocks away from my home.... and when i walked home... i noticed i left my keys at my work place-.-' but i have my car key in my pocket... so i drove back to store for the keys-.-
and i was scared earlier too... when i was walking home, i saw somebody(huge guy) was using the light to light up the car...(seems like he was going to steal something or what)... then he saw me saw him, he walked toward me(from behind across the street)....
lucky that there's one stupid driver was parking his car, and i think he hit the other car.... the alarm was on and so loud.... then i keep walking faster and faster, when i turn back and look, the huge guy finally not there.... so scary  |