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唔知點解開唔到機 ?

我部desktop 唔知點解開唔到機?:smile_41:

情況: 一開機佢二秒後就自動關機(黑畫面), 之後二秒就自動開番仲要長期開住(黑畫面),
        直至強行關機 (即按住開關制幾秒)

問題: 請問係咩問題呢or邊part壞左???

thanks a lot ~!!
Go to BIOS and see whether all the parts can be recognised. If any part cannot be recognised, then you know which part has problem and need to be replace. If everything looks OK, then I will recommend to boot from CD, and have a look the device manager etc.

回應 stopdon 第 1 篇文章

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