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[更新EP03] (明珠台) 《冰火科學 / The Incredible Science of Temperature》 - EP01~03 [2020-04-05][HDTV-MP4-720P][粵語配音中字]

 ,  描述: (TVBOXNOW原創)
With everything existing on a scale of cold to hot, physicist Dr. Helem Czerski investigates the science behind temperature. In this episode, she explores the bottom end of the temperature scale. She learns about the correlation between temperature and star placement, explains the history of the Fahrenheit scale, explores the relationship between cold and matter, and more.


【檔案大小】 : 528MB
【影片格式】 : HDTV-MP4-720P(1280x720)
【發音語言】 : 粵語配音
【字幕語言】 : 中文字幕

TVBOXNOW 冰火科學 EP01.torrent (49.76 KB)

TVBOXNOW 冰火科學 EP02.torrent (49.6 KB)

TVBOXNOW 冰火科學 EP03.torrent (50.15 KB)

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thank you for your hard work
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Thanks for sharing Episode 01
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just like finger pointing to the moon but don't concentrate on the finger or else you miss all the heavenly glories!
冰火科學 EP01
Thank you so much
(明珠台)冰火科學 From Ice to Fire The Incredible Science of Temperature EP01
Thank you for sharing...
Thanks for sharing