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原帖由 hahakl 於 2009-1-10 07:50 AM 發表

my line here not so good, i didnt use card.....no affect to me...hehe
my line here(Germany 32m downstream and 2.5m upsteam) is very good. so i use card at this moment( only 1000 member on tvboxnow), normaly is that no probem.
原帖由 hi_there 於 2009-1-10 07:53 AM 發表
算了吧。 只是少了那几分钟。嘻嘻。用三倍的升级还多过用五倍的。 哈哈
原帖由 lengzaino1 於 2009-1-10 07:56 AM 發表
good morning....
原帖由 brian123 於 2009-1-10 07:56 AM 發表

my line here(Germany 32m downstream and 2.5m upsteam) is very good. so i use card at this moment( only 1000 member on tvboxnow), normaly is that no probem.
u good lor, 32MB, we here onli max 4MB and my area onli got max 1MB.....
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原帖由 hahakl 於 2009-1-10 08:00 AM 發表

u good lor, 32MB, we here onli max 4MB and my area onli got max 1MB.....
o, that is very slow, when you download movie or drama. what very big is  like mkv for hd-tv.
but i think in asia is everything better as us on europe, like hd-tv (China and HK got it)and we in europe, we dont  have it!!
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原帖由 hi_there 於 2009-1-10 08:05 AM 發表

walao.. 要不然要跟谁complain o ..哈哈哈。。 跟你啊?嘻嘻。。我觉得系统方面应该在特定的时间后备嘛。。写出时间,大家就可以不需要撞在一起。 :P ...
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原帖由 jff6000 於 2009-1-10 08:49 AM 發表
good morning......