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回復 #75 jwxie518 的帖子

then which is correct ni??? I dont want to sound so ham sup :014: lols

回復 #76 C..C 的帖子

the correct expression is   ...   "not to mention"
1 C1 @4 C# \$ u0 l$ g我會臉紅xDDDDDD. o$ m. ^* ^8 z

  y8 V% Z# X4 y) M4 R6 E2 o我訓啦, 聽日去教堂-0-/ \- x6 U7 O! @9 t
& e" j8 K, I# _& u& x& K9 ^% C- R
anyway, 你點搵到tvbnow嫁?

回復 #77 jwxie518 的帖子

my fd sent me the link

回復 #78 C..C 的帖子

  icic/ B! |8 I0 p: ?
I like to ask people how do they get to know tvbnow.com
6 r2 j  d7 C. h% fTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。since i just told my ABC fd to come visit it
. @( c! A1 H) J. kand she was so surprised with the site

回復 #79 jwxie518 的帖子

lols yea??? most of my fd have this link...

回復 #80 C..C 的帖子

Well, yeah
$ I0 H7 m' T# F$ e9 `; Ci hope you all enjoy this site
5 s8 v# ~8 {) p! A- s: x. P) K公仔箱論壇we did put a lot of efforts
) ]. Q  `. k! f+ M! b. n3 ATVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
& h+ [* r" a7 ~( B% Q6 C; W) l) W* t# C
btw, if you want to add my msn
: K( E+ i/ \) D. Xjwxinst@hotmail.com
$ y* R8 ^3 U* h5 I% Z8 r& htvb now,tvbnow,bttvb5.39.217.77:8898- x- q4 A1 G- |0 ^  f
i am glad to talk to someone lives in NYC from TVBNOW7 [* a4 R; H$ n
i only know a couple6 }8 }5 |! p2 F+ g3 ^+ Y

5 \/ @3 A0 H1 g. _* D1 Tnite, g2g, church tmr- -+ f+ a; ?: V/ _: O: E2 v& Z
got to wake up like 6:45 and then again, study for my physic regentTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。9 z" \$ A/ \+ u4 r" `- x, z
5 ]" A" b7 M% ^, e5 U
:019: :019:

回復 #81 jwxie518 的帖子

lols +oil
, V1 C- D: a' B$ j1 Q1 G5.39.217.77:8898下星期有大食會

回復 #83 jwxie518 的帖子

eeeee~~~ eat a lot??

回復 #84 C..C 的帖子

+ c/ @! K( k: e! c5 {7 z& S5 Z下個星期教堂開大食會慶祝....
; d9 u- Q4 W* RTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
5 L  j( W  i. |7 F2 S公仔箱論壇呢個星期考完regent我都諗住同d fd去多一次東皇朝...
  F3 c; r* q& I7 n1 k  p5.39.217.77:8898上次食左成百幾蚊, 4個人! j* c7 K* Y( j/ p

回復 #83 jwxie518 的帖子

can I go too??? lols

回復 #85 jwxie518 的帖子

I know where is 東皇~~~ but actually I dont but I went there b4

回復 #86 C..C 的帖子

it's in flushingTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。7 [& B) v, H% r" `
it will take you an hr trip
7 Z  |% n) _. }' C1 U' t2 f5.39.217.77:8898tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb. k% Y& s$ b$ r" _9 g! m8 W
i am kinda worry about my final grade
1 d1 p7 ?, e7 y: z! G/ `  atvb now,tvbnow,bttvbso i don't know, i think i am going to wait till my report card comes out and then chill out with my friend
7 g( @! b, Q; ^8 j5.39.217.77:8898
$ }( v% I2 e) @. h8 Othis is why i don't like living in brykl
0 |+ r; g* ^8 H  v  s9 \  [# C' \6 _, N, ~6 p
too far away
0 P3 v1 B" k$ X" |  n9 q$ h) x公仔箱論壇it takes at least an hr to take subway
3 E' L& C1 w1 W% O/ I( z# L公仔箱論壇
: z% g: r8 X8 qTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。take 30 mins i think, to get to china town  /  flushing by van

回復 #88 jwxie518 的帖子

I have to go back to school on 20 sth to get my report card...! Q: l" a% |5 P+ O9 Y+ b
I think Im going to fail some classes

回復 #89 C..C 的帖子

haahhaha9 q& S# u; k3 e  i- o& I% t* I( m: [6 c  L
fail waht class?
  I& y% x5 b7 p- t公仔箱論壇/ y4 j1 \. ^$ m+ G: |% m
well, i was lazy this year7 M% c8 Q8 |3 W+ ~3 Y! i
so i am worry if they will give me the same grade i received the frist semster
4 w8 Q) A1 J" q: k& u5 x' w, g公仔箱論壇if i do, i will be very happytvb now,tvbnow,bttvb6 s# P: ?! Z; G
7 _. b. F! m9 x, ?6 o
why you fail class?