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[問題] 我英文不是很好怎样可以去澳洲呢?

working holiday
Piss off, country's full. We don't need any more FOBs
Piss off, country's full. We don't need any more FOBs
huit 發表於 2015-8-17 08:06 PM
so much nicely said.
no prob, can speak chinese in australia
welcome u
3# huit

you are so bad, australians are not like that
3# huit

you are so bad, australians are not like that
superky 發表於 2016-4-12 08:32 AM
we don't need rejects that don't contribute and can't speak English
Well, Australia, this darn pittiful place; with the dollar going to be down to 63c US, no one wants their coal or iron ore, no more coral reef; the land is either in drought or flooded; rising unemployment and full of ignorant rednecks ; .... and further more .. with people like huit, sigh!.
For those who are there by birth and can leave, they only have their parents to blame; but for the ones, including people like hiut, who choose to go there and keep staying there,  they are just the dumb, dumber,  and dumbest!
A little green earthling, living life as if there were no tomorrow.
Well, Australia, this darn pittiful place; with the dollar going to be down to 63c US, no one wants their coal or iron ore, no more coral reef; the land is either in drought or flooded; rising unemplo ...
norman.ho 發表於 2016-6-7 08:49 AM
ah yes... I remember you, aren't you the dude that tried to pick up men on this forum? What's the matter, still butthurt after all these years?

the fact of the matter is this, if you chose a profession that is so unviable that you'd have to uproot and leave at the slightest change of economy, then guess what mate? we don't have time for weak losers here

Oh we're pretty homophobic too... is that why you chose to leave? you can take your corals with you too :P
本帖最後由 norman.ho 於 2016-6-10 08:55 AM 編輯
Oh we're pretty homophobic too...
huit 發表於 2016-6-8 07:10 PM
Huit, you miserable thing, so now you are confessing to it,
you are nothing but a moronic miniscule minded homophobic racist bigot.

Just because you have no shame in you; you have no right to use the collective term "We".
We, the majority, detest foul and putrid racist low life like you.

You must be dieing to joint those racist red necks with their ugly faces covered up,
cowardly stirring up all sorts of trouble and street violence around different cities.
It didn't help with all your sucking up, crawling and begging for them to let you in.
To them, their answer for you is big   "No!".   You were borne with the wrong skin colour!

How dare you insult some one with inadequate command of English, just because they are new to the country;
with a bit of time and effort, any one can and will achieve literacy skill well surpassing that of your gutter level of English.

There is something that is more pitiful than being illiterate,
its those who claim they can read but never learn.

Huit, you, the one with brain the size of a maggot, spending your life crawling low down in the dunny,
you will never comprehend. (Oops! Has maggot got brain?). So its a no brainer that you won't get it.
All that you get is the stuff surrounding you, in the dunny.

I am, on the contrary, just like any responsible person in any civilized society, an inclusive person.
I welcome people of all skin colour, from different variety of ethnic background,
and I respect their own religious faith.

Yes, and I see no difference between homosexual or heterosexual relationship either.
Any type of relationship, sexual or not, if they are between consenting adults,
with no exploitation and with true respect for each other, is a good relationship.

However, I also strongly assert that any one, regardless who they are or where they are from,
if they commit any criminal offence,
they should receive the harshest punishment in accordance with the judiciary system.

Huit, you are stuck in where you belong; you just have to be content with your low life.
You will never understand!
A little green earthling, living life as if there were no tomorrow.
wow... that's awesome, mr angry man, how long did it take you to write that, on a work day as well? I didn't read all of it though because your opinion is inconsequential.  

gotta give me a good reason to listen to a guy who's sad enough to look for friends on a forum and take him seriously.
Hmm, so much rage here but I thought I might step up and say something neutral before someone talks about how stupid i am or how homophobic I am. Peace!

My family migrated to Australia yonks ago, I had a well paid job but guess what? I have to side with Huit on this one, if you arent cut on your English, you will find it extremely difficult to survive. Not because you cannot go to the shops to buy grocery or cannot find an ordinary job. The society will swallow you, the expensive living standards will devour you, you will find yourself drown in your own average salary.

To be able to thrive in Australia, and I have been a working professional in my life, I am sorry but if your English is not to a high professional level, it's going to be really hard. I am not saying you cannot survive, you will live a very hard life and then just complain and leave in anger.

By saying that, the current state of economy is so bad, I had a job but I did not want to ride a sinking ship so I jumped back to Hong Kong where the economy may not be as good compared to few years ago but at least I have a chance to continue on my career before joining the great Australian unemployment rate of possibily 7% and rising.
係中国人 請不要移民