Kobe Bryant: Love Me or Hate Me
原文链接: http://dimemag.com/2008/03/20/love-me-or-hate-me/
这篇文章和乐乐翻译的那篇“科比:LOVE ME OR HATE ME”是不一样的,那篇文章原题目是“Hatred Is All About Perception”。

Hoopla / Mar 20, 2008 / 8:55 am
By Patrick Cassidy
The following story appears in Dime #39, on newsstands for a few more days…
Sean stands on an empty Philadelphia sidewalk at three in the morning, peeringinto the frigid darkness, his right hand raised to halt a black-tintedNavigator idling in the street behind him. One of the few lit lamps atthis time of night beats down on Sean’s silver, slicked hair, andruddy, Irish face.
Seanis a man of very few words. He is middle-aged, all business - ex-armyor an ex-police officer - paid to watch, and when necessary, protect.It’s an amalgam slightly disarmed by pastel-colored earmuffs, but Seanis still clearly not to be messed with.
Heis on personal security detail in the Northern Liberties neighborhoodof Philly tonight. It’s a developing area of the city that’s beenattracting artists and galleries for the last few years, but still liesprecariously close to the badlands of North Philly. And at this time ofnight, well after the local bars have closed, one cannot be toocareful. When Sean is satisfied that the area is clear for his charge,he gives the green light.
Kobe Bryantemerges from the far side of the black Nav. He is dressed head-to-toein white – kicks, sweatpants, jacket and knit cap - cutting a sharpfigure in the inky night. His normal, easy-gliding gate is speckedtonight with a detectable hitch – the result of a deep thigh bruisesustained two days prior, further aggravated by a physical contestearlier in the evening in Cleveland and the stiffness brought on by theimmediate flight afterwards to Philly.
Thislate-night shoot here was Kobe’s idea. It could have been accomplishedin Los Angeles, on the road between game days, or potentially even afew days later when the Lakers visit New York City – every one of thosescenarios physically easier on Kobe than tonight’s rendezvous followinga game in another city, with another game the next night against theSixers.
Butthis is where Kobe most wanted to do it, his rationale being that sinceentering the League 11 years ago, he had never done a shoot inPhiladelphia. And tonight would the best, and only, opportunity toaccomplish it this season, even if it is in the middle of the night.“This is my hometown,” he’d say later on that evening. “This is wheremy true competitive nature was born. It only seems right to dosomething here. This is where I became who I am. Growing up here issomething that is still important to me to this day. To this day,pretty much every time I see Rip Hamilton, I tease him about how webeat him my senior year on the way to the state championship, just meand a bunch of doctors and lawyers.”
Seanleads Kobe into the studio space and adjoining room bustling with photoassistants, video cameras and a barber waiting to give Kobe a pre-shootshape-up. Bryant seems a bit taken aback by the amount of people hereat this time of night, but quickly composes himself, thanks everyonefor coming and announces, “It’s late, I’m sure people want to get somesleep, so let’s take care of business.”
Kobe Bryant is undoubtedly one of sport’s most complex athletes; one facetof his personality being that if Bryant believes in something, he willgo above and beyond to make it happen, and he expects others to do thesame. He is fond of referring to his “vision” in regards to many thingsin his world, whether that be a magazine feature, the tone adopted byTeam USA this past summer, the Lakers, or his own legendary workoutregimen, that in the offseason consists of waking before sunrise,running, lifting weights and literally shooting hundreds of jumpersalmost every single day of his summer.
“I just go. I just go. Ijust keep going until it feels right to me,” Kobe says of his habits.“If something doesn’t feel right, I’m gonna stay there until I get itright. I just continue to keep pushing and pushing and pushing. That’sall I’ve known. That’s how my parents raised me. If you’re going to befocused on something, if you want to do something, you can’t, you can’tgo about it in a half-assed way. You really gotta dedicate yourself toit, try to be the best at it. That’s the only way.”
Thatpersonality trait seems to pervade everything he does. An example thatsums up his nature: More than a year ago, at a press event to debut thethen-latest version of his signature Nike shoe, the Zoom Kobe II,Bryant told a story about being so enamored with Orca Whales afterreading about their pack-hunting mentality, he wanted his Lakers toattack their opponents in the same way on the basketball court. Socaptivated was he by the thought, he took a helicopter ride out overthe Pacific Ocean to observe the whales and their tendencies first-handin order to report back to his teammates. Nothing is half-assed.
科比所做的每一件事情都体现了他那一性格特点。有个能够反应他那一性格特点的例子:一年多以前,在他最新款个人签名耐克球鞋(the Zoom Kobe II)首次亮相的新闻发布会上,科比讲了个故事,那就是在他了解鲸鱼的群体捕食精神后,非常佩服它们那种精神,科比也希望湖人队在球场上能够像它们那样攻击对手。在他被那种思维迷住之后,他乘坐直升机到太平洋上去亲身观察鲸鱼和它们的倾向,并回去把情况告知队友。真的是很认真的。
Andthe general perception is that you’re either with Kobe and his vision,or you’re left behind. And it’s something he makes no bones about. Aperfect example, presented by Kobe later that night, came when talkingabout the surprising success of his Lakers this season (as of presstime their record was 26-11, good enough for second in the PacificDivision). Bryant responded to a question about how he has pushed histeammates above and beyond expectations: “Well they know they gottacome with it. You know it’s … this train’s gotta keep moving. Youeither gotta be on the train or get run over by the train. But thetrain’s gotta keep moving. We want to win a championship and we want towin one now. That fire – sometimes you gotta light it. The players haveall stepped up and all responded and everything.”
Hissteadfast vision of the world and how things should be lends itself toBryant’s existence as one of the most polarizing athletes in recentmemory. Talking to him, Kobe clearly has a different opinion of himselfthan what outsiders see when analyzing him. It’s a fact that inevitablyinfests the media’s coverage of him, more times that not, leading tonegative portrayals of him. It’s something that contrasts markedly withwhat teammates and other NBA players have to say about Kobe when askedabout him.
This past summer,Bryant was riding a wave of overwhelmingly positive coverage for takingthe reigns of Team USA and assuming the alpha dog leadership role on ateam of international superstars, alongside players like LeBron Jamesand Carmelo Anthony. Team USA ran through the competition in theOlympic qualifying tournament in Las Vegas, decimating everyone intheir path. And at the forefront was Bryant, garnering nothing butpraise from his coaches and teammates.
WhenI asked Carmelo Anthony about his experience this summer playing withKobe, he acknowledged Bryant’s contributions. “You know, it wassomething I was always aware of, but I just got a firsthand look at histoughness,” Carmelo said. “His focus, how he approaches each game andhow hard he works at getting better.”
AndreIguodala, who led a team of younger NBA players in scrimmages againstthe varsity, agrees. “I think everyone on the U.S. team knew Kobe wasthe best player out there and they followed his lead,” says Iguodala.“He was very focused on getting all the guys on the same page by beingvocal. They could score at will against anyone but he set the tone forthe team on defense.”
NBArookie Kevin Durant, who spent a portion of his summer practicing withTeam USA, believes that of all the superstars on that team, Bryant isthe one who separated himself from the pack. “I think that a lot ofpeople say that he shoots a lot and doesn’t pass the ball,” saysDurant. “But from playing with him over this summer and playing againsthim this year so far, he’s very unselfish. He plays hard everypossession, and basically he can score when he wants. He does whateverhis team needs him to do. He’s the one guy that stuck out.”
“I take pride in the respect I getfrom players, more so than anything else because those are the peoplethat you face on a daily basis,” says Bryant when told of what otherplayers have to say about him. “You know, they have a deeper level ofunderstanding of the game of basketball. So, to have respect from themis what matters most to me.”
Ifyou go by what players tell you, the problem then, seems to be with themedia. Bryant is often portrayed as petulant, selfish, and at timesoverbearing in newspaper coverage and magazine profiles. When a memberof Dime attended a Nike event this past summer with Charles Barkley,Charles was asked his opinion of Bryant. Barkley responded with: “Ilike Kobe. I think he’s the best player in the NBA, but he’s got someissues. I think he could make Dr. Phil take one of them breaks.”
It’s a perception thatBryant hasn’t helped to dissuade. There was the incident in Colorado afew years back, the public feud with Shaq, the amateur video thatsurfaced at the start of this past summer (where he allegedlycriticizes Lakers center Andrew Bynum and calls Lakers owner Dr. JerryBuss “an idiot”), and the very public trade-demand showdown betweenBryant and the Lakers organization before the start of the season.
Bryanthops out of the barber’s chair. I ask him about the incidents that havecome to add to the media’s portrayal of him, especially the video tapefrom the summer where he reportedly said the Lakers, in regards toholing on to Bynum and not giving in to New Jersey’s demand that he beincluded in a trade for Jason Kidd, should “Ship his ass out.” Kobenods in acknowledgment and says of Bynum: “For him, it’s just importantfor him to understand there’s a sense of urgency. I’m not waiting foryou. You need to be ready and be ready now. It’s the same thing I hadto do. I was 20, 21 years old. Shaq was roughly the same age I am. Youknow, he didn’t want to stick around and wait for his point guard todevelop. In fact there were talks for me being traded for Jason Kidd atthe time. So I had to step up to that pressure and meet thoseexpectations right away.”
科比从理发椅站起来。我问了他关于以上那些事件,让媒体对他产生消极评价,特别是夏天那次视频事件,那个视频中说他讲到湖人没有用拜纳姆去交换基德时,应该骂了一句“Ship his assout.”科比承认是那样的,并说到拜纳姆:“对于他来说,知道球队形势严峻是很重要的。我可不能等你的,你需要现在就得准备好比赛的。我20岁、21岁的时候都是准备好比赛的。其实,沙克跟我也差不了多少,他也没有在魔术等着他那位组织后卫成才啊。实际上,那时有些谈论是用我来交易基德,因此我不得不站出来面对压力,并立即满足那些期望。”
Many point to the video as being amajor factor in Bynum’s warp-speed development this season. During thesummer, Bynum hired a conditioning coach and has since turned himselfinto a fearsome, athletic low post force in the West with a ceilingmuch higher than many had ever thought possible. His development hasbeen a huge factor in the Lakers unexpectedly high level of play in thefirst half of the season. Right before this issue went to press, Bynumwent down with a knee injury that will sideline him for two months. Sofar has the relationship come between Bryant and Bynum though, thatKobe told the L.A. Times the same day of Bynum’s diagnosis, “We’re achampionship-caliber team with [Bynum] in the lineup.”
After the shoot, Kobe sits on a wooden box and stretches his sore leg. It’s beena long night, what with the travel, the photo shoot and the gameearlier in the night - a loss, where Kobe struggled from the floor,going 8-22, and missed the game-tying shot at the buzzer. He jokes thatthe next night, after his bad game, he’s going to “kill” the Sixers. Heis upbeat and affable even as the clock pushes past 5 a.m. He clearlyenjoys joking with the crew – even the guy who is teasing Kobe abouthow he remembers a young Bryant playing in a Philly tournament back inthe day with L.A. Gear socks jacked up to his knees.
摄影结束后,科比坐在一个木盒子上伸展他那酸痛的腿。那是个漫长的夜晚,不管是旅途还是图片拍摄,还是那晚早些时候输掉的那场比赛,科比命中率糟糕,22投仅8中,并且投失了扳平比分的压哨球。在那场糟糕的比赛之后,科比开玩笑说他要灭掉76人队。即使时间已经到了凌晨5点,科比还是显得那么的开心、和蔼可亲。显然他在和工作人员聊天时很开心嘛,甚至有个人开玩笑地告诉科比,他还记得年轻的科比在费城联赛中的一场比赛穿着高至他膝盖的L.A. Gear袜子。
Kobeand I talk about the disconnect between what other players have to sayabout him and they way he is presented in the media, and I cite anEsquire feature on him that dropped prior to the start of the seasonthat painted Kobe as somewhat of an odd, aloof, insulated character.
“Whatam I, a hermit?” Bryant asks with exasperation. “It’s ridiculous. It’sridiculous. Just because I didn’t grow up in the hood and I actuallyhave brains, I worked hard on the books or stuff like that, peoplethink that I don’t go out or I don’t interact or I don’t hang out –it’s ridiculous.”
Seanprepares to lead Kobe back out to the Navigator that is still idlingout front, waiting to whisk Bryant back to the Four Seasons Hotel inCenter City for some much-needed rest. Kobe is bundling up to head backout into the biting cold but has one more thought.
肖恩准备将科比送上那辆仍停在前面的车Navigator,送科比回到市中心的Four Seasons酒店休息。科比裹得很严,步入冰冷地夜幕,然后冒出这样的话。
“It’sfunny. I think a lot of people, a lot of writers, try to take shortcutsin their assignments and just regurgitate what somebody else may havewritten, you know, instead of truly saying what’s going on,” Kobe says.“I’m no different than anybody. Basketball to me, it’s a game that Iwant to try to be the best at, try to work at as much as possible. ButI understand it’s a game. But I’m extremely outgoing. People say, ‘He’squiet’ and all that stuff. That’s crazy. They obviously don’t know me.So, I mean, people that know me and people that seen me interact, stufflike that, I’m completely opposite of what they read. And a lot ofpeople actually tell me that. They’ll say, ‘Man, you’re nothing like Ithought you were.’
“Well, what the hell did you think I was?”
“那么,你认为我是什么样的人呢?” |