海洋公園員工推廣優惠 - 入場門票  [按此打開] [隱藏]
$ o/ p9 T: p8 [, I5.39.217.77:8898 4 _+ f1 }' d0 o+ W! w. j7 Q
# F. ~& Q. z" O$ _7 mtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
) R* K b# M# `& \7 D5.39.217.77:8898海洋公園STAFF SALE* @& ^) U0 G% ?3 ]0 V: u( F' H
75折) z# N+ v, v- f! e2 f' k
2013 年10月16日至11月15日到海洋公園票務處講出員工號碼 (4580) 即享$240成人票,$120 小童票。唔好講錯number, 盡情買啦,可以轉發。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb+ T5 V- O* ~5 {
# A. {5 e$ f0 \! p4 s' n3 J, B' S; b只適用於星期一至五。門票只可當日使用。每次最多購票6張。不得兌換現金或與tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb( y, d1 X0 U `' i, H: j1 E
6 p N- t1 L: D& e, A" P1 H& [& ]
* ~" e0 D+ m" I/ @, |Ocean Park Staff Saletvb now,tvbnow,bttvb7 X% P' ~$ v7 B5 N& W& m3 p
25% offtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb9 b6 h7 N- z& O
. f. t; q, Y; _% x: S公仔箱論壇Oct 16 – Nov 15, 2013, go to Ocean Park Ticket Office and say the staff number (4580) to buy $240 adult ticket, $120 child ticket. It’s a competition, don’t say the wrong number. Please forward this message.
X1 A/ @5 t: }, |: t- Q5.39.217.77:8898
; h% l7 b r- g Q" j/ p) ]% RMonday to Friday only. Tickets are for same day entry. Max. 6 tickets each time. Cannot be exchanged for cash or used in conjunction with other promotional offers. |