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省點花 過幾年 就可以買車買房了
人力資源 need good english or u can only be a cook
be come a security in Ny and if you want a better life in usa use credit card for you spending and the money you got from the security job become you saving
be come a security in Ny and if you want a better life in usa use credit card for you spending and the money you got from the security job become you saving
macally7450tvb2 發表於 2013-8-9 06:47 PM
Security Job in NY is not that easy to get in. those are freaking UNION jobs. You moving in to New York?? Lots of Chinese in New York. You can always work for Chinese I guess!
係咪做好多野都要考牌? 要考試??
讀書如果唔使我出好多錢既話, 我應該會讀,
其實我對心理學有興趣, 不過驚英文會好難, 同埋出路唔知好唔好, 話晒都已經三張幾.....
有冇new york朋友?? nyc租屋好貴...二房要$1200~1 ...
宙宇 發表於 2013-7-12 05:18 PM
I live in New York! Depends on where you live in New York there are places that cost alot more than $1500 US dollars, but ofcause there are less.Also beside a huge Chinatown. New York has like 3 to 4 other areas that look like Chinatown. Elmhurst, Flushing and 8 Ave. So you can most likely find something to do over in one of those area! Anyway! Good luck!
本人住曼哈顿已经10年我只好讲句英文唔太好, 去美國打工~只有苦力
我住NY 13年, 希望帮到你!! 你真決定来NY生活, 首先學好英文(最好是流利:識聽和講) 和考個本地Degree (2年或4年),有齊后,才有大機會找到好工 (即是鬼佬工)!!! "提外話:除非山穷水尽,要銭養家!!或想賺快錢!!否則不要做餐館工。"
practice make perfect
本身英文麻麻地, 雖然大學畢業, 去美國既話可以有咩工選擇???
除左餐廳仲有咩選擇???  我大學畢業, 讀人力資源, 三十幾歲, 算係做中層管理.....
阿仔5歲, 老婆話想返美國住, 阿仔生活同讀書都好d.......
但我驚好難 ...
宙宇 發表於 2013-6-18 10:20 AM
how to apply US green card?
我唔相信一個有college degree同有management experience 嘅人嚟到美國要撈餐館衣廠跟車!  你地唔好亂咁噏當秘笈赫佢至得㗎....  老實講, 新移民初初就真係樣樣都難.  英文唔掂唔緊要, 可以好快pickup到.  記住, 想英文pick up 得快就一定要遠離唐人街!  要迫自己吓吓要用英文.  唔駛伴年你啲英文應該lak lak 聲足夠應付(包括粗口)。  美國有好多搵工網站.  可以先睇睇, 試吓post resume上去.  要link PM我.
language is key to get good job but not a must. If you are computer field, it should be not too hard to find a job in New York.
可以試下d外企公司, 對中國或香港有關聯的公司.
我系IT 公司做, 都去過幾次 boston , 好多香港人/ 中國人.
英語麻麻地, 可以溝通到基本的, 都系睇 CN/ HK marketing.
report 比鬼佬, 人工仲好好. 系 美國嘅 Base.
你可以試下呢d 啊, 因為宜家好多 廠都系中國大陸.