[限時免費] Super Stickman Golf

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"Super Stickman Golf is my new Angry Birds!" -MTV
"★★★★★ A perfect 5-star rating. This is a near-flawless sequel" -Macworld
✔ "One of the best platforming games on the iPhone" -Gamepro
✔ "One of my favourite games!" -Toucharcade
✔ "Definitely a must grab title" -Appspy
✔ "My favorite game of all time for the iDevice" -iPhoneAlley
✔ "A smash hit physics-based puzzle game with a golf mechanic" -Appadvice
✔ "It’s still a complete blast!" -Tapscape
✔ "It's is a total winner. Once you play it you’ll be hooked." -Slapapp
★★ MULTIPLAYER SUPPORT IS HERE! Play online or locally against your friends! ★★
Super Stickman Golf is no ordinary game.. it's actually an award winning physics puzzler! Warning: Once you pick up this game, you may not be able to put it down. You will definitely never play "golf" the same again..
Ever wanted to freeze those pesky water hazards? Ever wanted to stick your shots on walls and ceilings? Ever wanted to stop your shot in mid-air? Well now you can… Super Stickman Golf brings to you… the super clubs.
✔ 6 unlockable super clubs! Each super club has a unique ability to make your round a little easier.
✔ Game Center Leaderboards. Join the Stick Golf world tour and see where you stack up.
✔ 261 unique holes, including all the classic courses from Stick Golf 1 plus new 'super' courses.
✔ Retina Display. HD graphics for sweetness that is the high resolution retina display.
✔ Game Center Achievements. Tune up you game with our crazy achievements.
✔ Universal app. Play on any iDevice!
✔ New obstacles. Conveyor belts anyone??
✔ Complete 8-bit chiptune game soundtrack!
✔ Local and online multiplayer!
*** Notes from the Noodlecakers ***
- If you have any problems or suggestions, please contact us through our website at http://www.noodlecake.com
Noodlecake Studios Inc Web SiteSuper Stickman Golf Support
What's New in Version 1.9 * iPad compatibility fixes
* File size optimizations
Screenshots iPhone iPad

Customer Reviews Happy now?
by DeliverTheNoise Asking me to rate your app without giving me the option to opt out of u asking me to rate your app is tantamount to spam.... This of course after I already gave u an awesome rating.... U HAD TO ASK ME TO RATE YOUR APP MULTIPLE TIMES? Well here's your rating... Happy now? Fix it, then maybe I'll consider fixing this review
Best thing ever for my real golf mental game
by Loungechair22 Awesome game! Develops strategy in placing shots. I am playing the best real golf of my life after getting totally addicted to stickman golf. Shooting consistently in the mid to high 70's.
Stickman's on par!
by Allen Romero Incredible amounts of fun for a very simple, yet undeniably challenging game. Move over Tiger Woods, Stickman's got a brand new bag, golf that is!
- Free
- Category: Games
- Updated: Mar 21, 2012
- Version: 1.9
- Size: 48.9 MB
- Language: English
- Seller: Noodlecake Studios Inc
- © 2010 Jordan Schidlowsky
Rated 4+
Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.1 or later |