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no,it's not true, BNO can stay 3 months only
Thanks a lot !!!!
I don't think it is possible
BNO  简直系垃圾
Thanks a lot !!!
you must be kidding
BNO 子係可以,進入某歐盟各國免簽證...沒有其他權力
holding BNO, even you cannot live in UK. How comes you can live in Europe. don't  be a day dreamer.
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如果你依家無, 就唔會再申請得到
BNO is basically a travel document, UK would not give you any protection if you get in trouble in HK or China, unless elsewhere, UK will offer some help, see previous news. Right of abode is very different from BNO holder, speaking from British Citizen.
Oh, forgot, it does allow you to travel to Europe but custom overthere will treat you just like everybody from China