祥哥演技真的不錯, \# Z; n8 v( J' ]; l
不過港劇真的沒什人才了5.39.217.77:8898; e- T( Z, Q( l5 p/ A
! {- G m' C2 r9 U. a, \" aslin345 發表於 2012-11-15 03:17 PM  公仔箱論壇% P0 Z d- E+ B" b+ ~
# z, n0 M- g, l( rI agree with "不過港劇真的沒什人才了".
7 X+ [, s( R! X# h2 L5.39.217.77:8898& I! m! _3 Z6 Z
But good thing is TVB is trying to promote second line actor and give them chance to take up the lead role. |