Aditi RayTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。' \6 d2 V. I0 O) V; z
Enjoyed the visual treat with exposure to quaint cultural practices like sequence of food being watermelon is the Western part of our country it must be 'papad'...which is not 'served' as such being bad manners, but a satiated guest 'asks' for papad to indicate that he has finished...
+ z/ y1 ~ v# w. C5.39.217.77:8898
/ w d6 R3 d* M$ `. F- ]# S喜歡這個曝光奇特文化習俗的視覺享受,比如上菜的順序...就是說西瓜是最後一道菜...在我們國家的西部地區,最後一道菜肯定是”開胃小菜“...不是被主動端上來的,這樣不禮貌。而是一名酒足飯飽的賓客“要求”上開胃小吃,象征著不再點菜了...) A, i4 b, P s5 Q @. c8 E
( f8 X2 P* A: }3 ]! w/ d5 }# J
: F8 I# h) C# H: R8 B1 L, I公仔箱論壇Yes Aditi and in Bengal and Punjab Sweets and desserts. I miss papads Hahaha.- J$ c9 D; o2 P0 \
1 Z! G v; p- g1 F1 f" X' NTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。是的,Aditi。在孟加拉邦和旁遮普是糖果和甜點。我懷念開胃小吃,哈哈。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb1 U' W @7 G1 P
6 z; z. h' v/ \( q$ ?tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
7 d: |+ P7 Q) O3 NKarortvb now,tvbnow,bttvb, o: ^, S4 u$ N4 R: w& |
Hi Navneet Kumar& e V# d' |6 [- k8 t G p
/ {9 N8 E; k) ITVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。Wonderful account with some lovely pictures.You have an eye for details.Your comments on Indian tourism are just on the mark. Neither the Govt nor the agencies take care for any details,that is why more Indians have seen other parts of the world than India itself.A good example of Chinglish is 'EXPORT FORWARD'
$ a6 r$ N4 H- l! g5.39.217.77:8898
7 A+ X7 v, a% t( _3 N IThe Chinese here in USA are particular about their dress,always correctly dressed. I go to their Marina stores to pick up fruit and vegetables. They are competing with the best. Their national pride deserves to be emulated.Waiting for your Part II公仔箱論壇: C' {+ v( G4 ^* V- ~
公仔箱論壇7 e8 v7 g, J6 I3 E7 _
嗨,Nevneet Kumar,敘述得很棒,配的圖片好看,能著眼於細節。你對印度旅遊業的評論真是說到點子上了。政府和旅行社都沒顧及細節是越來越多印度人投眼於外部世界而不是印度本身的原因。“EXPORT FORWARD”(這邊走)是中式英語的一個好例子(三泰虎註:應該譯為”This Way Please“)。
8 U+ ^) |! `) g5.39.217.77:8898
H* M6 v4 V" ^0 n" e2 D$ a/ F5.39.217.77:8898美國這裏的中國人對穿著特別挑剔。他們總是穿著得體。我去他們的瑪裏納商店買水果和蔬菜。他們處於一流的競爭水準。他們的民族自豪感值得模仿。期待你的第二部分博文!!
8 w* A1 n! Y; |+ n; b公仔箱論壇* R; F0 b& |6 B
navneetkumarbakshitvb now,tvbnow,bttvb$ i8 ^4 q Q3 p$ t9 P* I
Thanks Karor Ji for inspiring comments. I write about what I see and what I see here is hard to believe. Holidaying in India, including travel is a real pain with almost everyone trying to fleece you. The worst part is that when you finally reach the place, you are disappointed because lack of care and maintenance. It is overcrowded and there is no infrastructure that may give you the feeling that at least govt. is doing something sincerely. As such you will find ordinary people ill dressed up and shabby while here in China you can find even the women brooming the roads and riding bicycles dressed up smartly in jeans and frocks and high heels., B3 y9 B4 [; d0 p9 P1 L7 x
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb2 W, U3 z! R _* I" Q
6 X" V8 @( |# |: hTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。 x! j% e3 @# e. h
- v, s1 ~" j1 S5 O+ p. \# ?tvb now,tvbnow,bttvbvijays desk
* H( b& |/ i* E4 S, x2 U1 Utvb now,tvbnow,bttvbNAVNEET, Thank you for your wonderful travelogue. I always wanted to visit China but some how was not able to do so.Your detailed travelogue replete with all beautiful snaps made me feel I actually visited the place and fulfilled this wish of mine –THANKS" N" ^5 i# C9 k0 l, m4 c% `7 B
What struck me in your blog was the cleanliness and neatness which came out so strongly. Every thing seemed so much systematic and in place. I am told China has made tremendous progress because of the discipline and also the care they take for keeping everything in order, and it came out so well in your blog.I don’t think you will ever have papers , plastic bags and trash being thrown by people, and I am sure spitting and urinating in the public places must be unheard of. I have also heard that in terms of infrastructure development China is decades ahead of India- also I am told the facilities provided with respect to civic amenities to the common man is fantastic- no garbage piling up and no filth lying around and no potholes in the roads. Despite such a large population I wonder how the Chinese have managed it- maybe you can throw some light on it- you are the China expert !!!!TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。* ~- ~5 m$ [ Z" w. \/ x
$ }! {$ I. r. }9 A
How I wish we also learn this discipline !!!TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。8 B# ?/ r! c/ D8 E& Z$ B6 o' ]
6 M1 m" \# N* i% y/ b公仔箱論壇Also felt happy to read that the Chinese treat women with a lot of respect and there is no lewd vulgarity both covert and overt or eve teasing- that’s nice.This shows the high levels of culture and also a fantastic attitude !!! H2 C/ D1 v9 J* k
Glad there will be a part 2. These travelogues are fantastic especially when some one puts a detailed one with all snaps etc - its like being there
; }8 w( C( B2 U/ J( ktvb now,tvbnow,bttvbThanks again for a superb blogTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。7 y/ X+ C l. h0 `+ R U9 z/ M0 a2 V Z
( a" M9 S) m) ?* {7 utvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
, |+ z- {) K7 ~6 i你博文讓我吃驚的部分是照片上具有強烈視覺沖擊的整潔和幹凈。一切似乎都井然有序。我被告知中國因為人們的紀律性和讓一切事情有序展開的關切而取得了巨大進步。你的博客很好的展示了這個方面。我認為你不會看到人們丟棄的紙張、塑料袋和垃圾。我敢肯定你沒有聽說過公眾場所隨地吐痰和小便。我也聽說在基礎設施發展方面,中國領先印度數十年。我獲知中國為老百姓提供的各種設施也是不可思議的。沒有堆積的垃圾,沒有遍地的汙垢,公路不會坑坑窪窪。我納悶,盡管有如此多的人口,中國人是如何管理的——也許你可以給點提示,你是中國專家嘛!
% H+ n, _! H; o6 v5 X
( S* u6 z( j, w: I) k8 Xtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb我多麽希望我們也能夠學習他們的紀律性!
7 R, O0 B) S, ^公仔箱論壇
! m' v( q$ |" B( X4 qtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb此外,我也開心的看到中國人對女性尊敬有加,不會有或隱蔽或明顯的好色粗俗。這很好。表明了高水平的文化和極好的態度! m- F( A- j9 _# \, C( j4 R
/ {% m3 \7 v6 S8 }tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb很高興還有第二部分博文。這些旅行見聞非常好,特別是配有許多照片。就像身臨其境一樣。再次謝謝如此棒的博客。TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。: I/ N; H9 o- y: D, \8 r. N m7 Y, l. j5 C" f, X! j; p" A* x
原創翻譯:三泰虎 ]( B# t6 M" @( d) w
6 v, p# N0 ?& W+ J: [navneetkumarbakshi posted 7 mnths ago
7 g" |- z7 M6 Y: A& ^, xThanks Vijay, There's so much to write about China that I don't seem to be able to do justice and stop when I think to long a blog may not find many readers. People don't have much time and as a matter of habit we don't like to hear others being praised. I hope you have read some of my other blogs on China or should I send you some links. What to say of India there is no comparison with China of any country in the world and I say it after having seen most of them. Agreed, the laws are strict and they should be so but people are focused and dedicated too, which can't be inspired by the government. Spitting is not uncommon ( in Japan you won't find even that) but you don't find them littering, urinating or shitting around. You don't find them violating traffic laws. They take pride in their nationality and do their duties very sincerely. Do read some of my blogs on China.TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。5 G( E" d8 ~ D3 x2 R9 v
( L$ s7 @. h, o4 o: y" o: w謝謝,Vijay,中國有很多可以寫的。我似乎無法做出公正評價。由於博文太長不會有太多讀者,所以打住了。人們沒有太多時間。我們習慣上並不喜歡聽到別人受到贊揚。我希望你看我寫的其他有關中國的博文,或者我可以給你發一些鏈接。怎麽說印度呢,世界任何國家都無法和中國相比較。我是在見識了大多數中國人後才這樣說的。沒錯,法律是嚴格的,也該如此。但是人們也專註和無私,這是政府無法激勵的。隨地吐痰也是常見(在日本,你甚至看不到人們吐痰),但是你看不到他們隨地扔垃圾或者隨地大小便。你看不到他們違反交規。他們為國家感到自豪,非常真誠的完成自己職責。還是看看我有關中國的一些博文吧。 |